SLOWWWW looser
Hi Abby and everyone who has replied. I too am in the same boat, I have lost 67 lbs since my June 10th surgery. In the last 2 months I have lost about 7 of those pounds. I know I need to exercise more seriously to get anymore weight off. I am feeling extremely good though. My initial goal for surgery was to get my blood sugars under control. Before surgery, I was diabetic and unable to control my blood sugars, I had high blood pressure and my cholestrol levels weren't the best. Now, not only are my blood sugars normal I no longer am required to take any diabetic medications or blood pressure medications. In December I had my 6 month blood work done and they were all Normal!!!! My primary care physician was ecstatic with my progress. I would like to lose another 25 - 30 lbs, and I'm confident with consistant exercise, I will get there.
Hang in there and keep up the good work.
don't feel frustrated...when in your lifetime have you been able to loose weight at the rate you have since the surgery. Remember that some people have LOTS of weight to loose, so their percentage of excess weight loss is probably about the same as you, but the actual pounds lost may be greater. We are all a bunch of loosers, just some are bigger loosers because they are bigger to start with!
I was looking at my profile and I saw the link to the June surgery page and I thought I would I would have a looksse. Boy am I glad I did. I have been so depressed because I have only lost 70 lbs since my June 23rd surgery! During November and December there was food everywhere and I swear I tried some of everything. I even got up two nights at 3 a.m. to eat.
Even if I dumped I wuld be right back at it!
All that crazy dysfunctional behavior I thought was gone!
I am still excitied about losing 70 lbs but like many of you have said I thought it would be down like 100 lbs by now. I still want to lose about 70 lbs more. Thanks for the posts they really help!

look at it not as your failing but that you are gaining a whole new person inside and how you feel, don't be discouraged because you will get passed it, im stuck right now too, seems like alot of the june surgery people have hit a plateau we all new it was coming (but still hate it) i wish you luck and everyone else too,we should all try not worrying about it so much and concentrate on how we feel and maybe they weight will drop and we wont even know it!