Finally, I'm just plain "OBESE"
Hi everyone,
This morning when I charted my weight at the report came back showing me as in the "obese" category (I started this journey as "morbidly obese." I just love that website, LOL!!!
I have really been struggling these past couple of weeks, still losing and gaining the same couple of pounds back and forth, sometimes it makes me feel like a failure, but when I check our JuneBugs board I find I'm right on track with other folks who started out with the same statistics as I did. So thanks to everyone who keeps posting their progress.
I am finding I'm able to consume a lot of food at one sitting and that scares me. I'm back to measuring and tracking on to keep myself in line. I can't help from thinking, however, that my surgeon made my pouch or stoma too large. When I saw him at the end of November, he said I should not be too concerned as I was losing right on schedule. He said if I came in for a weigh-in with a gain of 2-3 pounds, then he would be more concerned.
So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this so-called plateau is over soon. Hope you all are doing well!
300/215 and holding and holding/150???