We're hitting our 5 month's!!

on 11/3/04 5:43 am - amherst, MA
Hello all you Junebugs!! Can you Believe it? 5 month's already! So are we all getting used to some compliments?? I love it! I have gottin so much more confident! I actually can stand looking into a mirror! I know I have some more to go, but, I'm liking this! So How are all of you coping??? Hope everyone's anniversary will be a good one! Party on! ~Mary 260/190/150ish?
(deactivated member)
on 11/3/04 12:49 pm
Hi Mary, We had our surgery on the same day. I can't believe how fast it's gone by! Five months almost! I am losing on the slow side, spurts and stalls included, but I am feeling soooooo much better! 63 lbs is nothin' to sneeze at! I'll take it!! My confidence has also gotten a lot better. I'm much happier and healthier!! 42 more pounds to go!!! Hugs!! Lyn 245/182/140
on 11/3/04 10:35 pm - LOSERLAND, MD
Hey Mary, Isn't it grand?! There are so many people who don't recognize me and it is so much fun! It was almost like the twilight zone when I went to my children's school and none of the staff recognized me. I still have a mental block that is scaring me from taking pictures. I am so afraid that although I have lost 72 pounds, I may still look the same in a photo. AM I ? I'm working on it though. I almost have enough nerve to take a picture. Life has changed so much. I've gone from a size 22 to a size 6. WHO KNEW I could do this. WLS has been so wonderful to me. I want to make sure everyone has an opportunity to be as happy as I am. I stop MO people all over the place and show them my before picture (we know I don't have an after pic) and give them my Dr's name and number. Someone's gonna punch me one of these times. LOL! A year ago, I was 272 lbs. I am now 144 lbs and I ONLY HAVE 23 POUNDS UNTIL GOAL!!!!! Well, let's all drink our water and protein and lose some major lbs this anniversary month! May we all hit our personal goals this month. Hannah
on 11/3/04 10:56 pm - Hibbing, MN
Hey Mary, I will hit my 5 month at the end of the month, but I just stepped on the scale this morning. It read 188. That means I have lost 81 pounds since June 21. It is such an amazing feeling to be able to see a 1 in the first number position on the scale. Haven't had that since junior high. I still can't accept compliments. It makes me feel weird for some reason. I am getting used to looking in the mirror and actually seeing my entire body fit into it. Usually I would have to walk past to see my backside. Now I am only 50 pounds to my goal and loving every minute of it. Heather
on 11/3/04 11:48 pm - Beatty, NV
It has finally hit me that this is working!!! I am actually losing weight, getting healthier and feeling confident!! The weight is good but the inches are awesome!!! I love it. Food is not #1 in my life anymore!! I love my walks in the morn. my bike rides in the evenings and looking people in the eye for the first time in years!!! I still have 88lbs. to go to goal but now I know I will see it. It's not a daydream anymore!!! All of you have a great day. Connie
Barbara G.
on 11/8/04 1:01 am - Mt. Washington, MD
Hi there...I too had my surgery on 6/8/04 and can't believe it was 5 months ago!!! I agree that the confidence I have acquired is the greatest. I weigh less now than I have in 21 years!! (if I never loose another pound everything I have gone through was worth it!) I have lost 75 lbs and hope to loose another 30 or so....I had wondered if this was slow loosing, but looking at others on the board I must be pretty on target. Of course, some loose faster than others, but just getting under that 200 mark was a thrill!! Hope everyone keeps up the good work and keep being losers!! Barbara
on 11/8/04 11:16 pm - Buffalo, MN
I too can't get over the transformation that my body has gone through these last 5 months!!! I'm down 75 pounds~including pre-op weight loss. I went from a size 20W to a reg. 10. WOW that is half the size I use to be!!! It is weird to shop now and acutally have to go down from a large to med. in shirts. Hard to comprehend sometimes. Glad that everyone is doing so well!! ~LeAnn~ 259/184/145?
on 11/14/04 12:19 pm - Corpus Christi, TX
Just realized that today is the 14th which makes it my 5 month anniversary exactly. It's so wonderful to wake up everyday and NOT be obcessed with food. I feel wonderful! I have more confidence than I've had in years. On Halloween weekend hubby and I went to a dance. I bought a new little black dress, size 14, very low cut, wore it with a push up bra and showed cleavage for the first time in my life, I think. Also bought some new high heeled dancing shoes. I felt like a princess with my prince charming. Someone we know commented that she wouldn't have recognized me had my husband not been with me. I love the complements and the looks I get from people not sure what to say. I've lost a total of 79 pounds so far. Want to lose about another 60lbs. Went from a very tight size 28 stretch jean to a 16, and some 14's too. Medium sized tops. Since I carry the bulk of the weight in my thighs, my lower half has to catch up to my upper half. Lots of squats and lunges in the gym are making it happen. Life after WLS has been Fabulous! Terry
Christin H.
on 11/17/04 8:06 am - Rockville, MD
Im down 89 pounds and my 5 month anniversary is Monday. I havent lost anything in almost 2 weeks so I am kicking it up at the gym, swimming a mile a day still and trying to get all my protein in. Hairloss is really bad but I know it will come back but my SIZE 28/30 PANTS WONT! Gone from a tight 30 to a size 18 and they are getting loose! WOOO HOOO!!! GOOD LUCK TO ALL YOU OTHER JUNERS!!
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