Ok what the heck is wrong with me???

on 10/8/04 8:02 pm - Austin, TX
What weight would you need to be to have a BMI of 24.9? So if you've lost 55 lbs divide that by the amount of lbs you needed to lose from day of surgery to get to the weight with the BMI of 24.9, multiply by 100 and you will have the percent of excess weight that you've lost. For instance Kay has lost 95 lbs as of Sept 30th. That is 39% of the weight she needs to lose in order to have a normal BMI. If you're anywhere from 30%-50% I'd say you're doing great!! I had surgery 20 days after Kay and as of Sept 30th I had lost 54 lbs which is 38% of my excess. A week and a half later I'm now at -58 lbs and have lost 41% of excess weight. So you see lbs aren't everything!! lbs lost divided by excess weight multiplied by 100 = percent of excess lost... get it? Cheer up, I'm sure you're doing great!!!! Lisa
Carol T.
on 10/9/04 5:52 am - Clayton, NJ
I think I get your meaning..Thank you very much
on 10/9/04 5:45 am - PETERSBURG, VA
I am glad I caught you guys. I had been down about my weight loss too. Oct 8 was 4 months. 59 lbs. now. A couple of weeks ago it stopped and sat there for 2 weeks and now it has started to move on down again. I stopped comparing myself with others whom have down really fast losses. Its just me, it will come off, just differently. My doctor is okay with it. I mentioned something to them back on my 3 months check They say I am right on track..They say the fast losers, their skin does not have time to catch up with the loss and they get really loose skin problems. So you are doing good. Don't forget that.
Carol T.
on 10/9/04 5:59 am - Clayton, NJ
You are very right about the skin, I have heard about that also. A coworker told me I look greath the other day. That was a great up lift. She said" how much weight have you lost?" I told her and she said "WOW and your skin isent hanging." LOL That to me was good. I am older and have a good chance of hanging skin. You also keep up the weight loss. And I am glad you found us also. .... Carol
on 10/9/04 6:21 am - amherst, MA
I had my surgery on June 8th , I've lost 60 lbs. We all loose differently. I think it also depends on how heavy you were before hand. the heavier you are the quicker at first you loose. It slows down for everyone. I have found that it goes in spurts I have stopped for 2 weeks , almost 3 without loosing a pound. than I went down 5lbs.. so ?? I think loosing 55lbs since June 23rd is great!! keep up the great work!~ Mary
Carol T.
on 10/9/04 6:36 am - Clayton, NJ
Hi Mary Thank you and you keep up the good loss also. WOW 60 pounds.... I am slowly getting there.. keep in touch...Carol
Rebecca Searles
on 10/13/04 12:45 am - Troy, NY
Well I think you are doing wonderful. I have lost 59 pounds since June and I think if the doctor asked me that same question I would have to slap him/her. Keep up the good work 55 pound is nothing to sneez about. You are on track. My doctor told me that 2 pounds a week is good but if it dont happen dont freak out. So Congradulations on what you have already acheved and keep up the good work.
Carol T.
on 10/13/04 6:29 am - Clayton, NJ
Rebecca Thank you very much for saying that....I did want to slap him because of his statement to me, I also wanted to cry. But I am a lot better now. I put on a pair of pants today they are so big they reach my ... WELL you get my meaning. Before surgery they were rolling down off me because they were so tight! Again Thank you and you keep up the newer you!! Carol
Jacquie B.
on 10/17/04 6:49 pm - Plano, TX
Welcome to my world - I had surgery 6-25-04 and it's been a yo yo for me - started at 253.5 now weighing 215 and I barely eat, at this rate I don't think I'll reach my ideal weight this same time next year Jacquie
Carol T.
on 10/18/04 10:02 am - Clayton, NJ
Hi Jacquie Wow you had yours a few days after mine. I think the more one has to loose the faster it comes off. My start weight was 339 to date I am 270 my goal is 155 I am tall and big bone. I now have found the liquid protien that is only 90 cal. and has 18 grams of protien. That has helped me out a lot. I am also getting out more and not sitting around having it melt off. I have more getting up and go and now the pounds are coming off again. I just have to remember that I am better off today than I was 3 months ago. and as long as I keep with in the guide lines of eating then I know I will be at goal this time next year!!! So good luck. And you will reach your GOAL also ... ....Carol
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