Protien - is it ever too much????
Hi All,
I have a question,,,,,,,,,,,How do you know when it is considered too much protien? I am supposed to have between 69 & 71 grams of protien a day. Most of the time I go over that - between the protien shakes & the actual protien........well, I just would like to know what (if any) would be the side effects (good or bad) of too much protien.
Thanks for your help!
In California
324/265/180??(or less)
As I understand it, you cannot consume to much protein. Your body will use only what it needs and the rest will be "tossed". Right now I am suppose to get about 83 g of protein daily, some days I have gone over. If you do not get enough you will see the side effects, such as hair loss, bone degeneration and so forth. Good luck.