June Bugs...Weight Loss Updte!
Hi everyone, boy do I feel good now. I have become Princess Plateau and discouraged beyond belief. After reading all your posts I find I am right about where you all are. I had lap RNY on 6/23 and have lost 33 lbs as of today (obgyn scale). So I guess I'll put away the pout for awhile. But these damn plateaus can move on, I have one after another. And I've been constipated since surgery. Now when someone tells me I'm full of crap I say "Yes, yes I am" lol. I have a stricture that can't be dialated until the ulcer they found heals up abit, soooo it's pureed everything. I miss chewing but I don't miss the pains and puking for sure. Hopefully they can fix that on the 7th of sept and I can chew food again. Congrats June bugs and any other bugs reading our posts. I would still be toting around these 33lbs today if I didn't have this surgery. Keep up the good work.