Need support buddy,,,
Diana, these are very normal thoughts. My first week I thought for sure I would cheat with all the father's day cakes, and food. I even swiped a tiny sliver of cake and was sooooo sick!
I couldn't even go in a bakery without feeling sick. Lesson learned. LOL! I've been a model inmate since then. If you ever need to chat, email me.

Hi H.
Thanks for responding,I really appreciate it. Im doing much better now,,just going through some emotional stuff. It's tough,,been eating bad all my life and now going through major life altering experiences.
How are you doing? How long are you post-op?
Hope all is well,Have a great day,
Thanks ,
I was 4 days before you so I had my one month checkup on Tuesday. I am down 30 pounds and pretty much back to normal. I'm still doing only one tablespoon or so of food per meal since any more than that keeps me up all night.
. I'm now getting the water in since I started walking. I am always just dying of thirst. I use the walking tapes (for in the house) and I have a treadmill that I walk on whenever I want to watch some awful mindless drivel like "You are not the baby daddy" LOL. My hubby put a TV in the home gym so that I am distracted while I walk. It really seems to work. During one Maury show, I can go 3 miles! Well, I hope things pick up for you. I'm sure they will. Have a great evening!

I am 4 weeks post-op and vey lucky that I do not have thoughts of cheating.
What are you eating and how much? I am still on 2 oz. 3 meals a day. Are you drinkingwater, you can have proteindrinks with skim milk. sugar free ice pops between meals. Give it a try. You aren't crazy I dreamed that I stole a Hoagie(sandwich here in NJ) and eat everything bite of it.
Remember this is a life change and tell yourself you have do it.
Take care and e-mail me if you need to talk.
Hi Kathy,
Thanks for your support!! Im a bit confused,,I might be eating too much,,I was eating 2oz,now Im up to about 4-5oz,,,3times a day,, not sure why I started or how I started that,, how are you doing with your weight loss?? I have lost 35lbs so far,,thats 1mth,, so my question is ?? Am I eating too much?? I really confused,,
Thanks for responding,
All of us here on the June 2004 can be your support buddies, we're all experiencing the same types of things at the same times. I am having the same type of crazy thoughts. I want to chew on something (anything!) so badly LOL I feel like shoving food into my mouth, chewing, and spitting it out!!! (I'm still limited to "enjoying" liquids, lowfat cream soups, cottage cheese and sugar-free instant pudding and yogurt.)
I have my first weigh-in next Wednesday. I haven't stepped on my scales at home yet. I want to be surprised, and most of all MOTIVATED, when I see a large loss on Wednesday. I think knowing I am moving in the right direction (downwards, weight-wise) will give me the willpower I need to get through the rest of the pureed foods stages. At least I hope it will.
I used to DREAM, about getting doughnuts for other people, just so could POSSIBLY, have the chance to lick the sugar off my fingers... and I dont even like Doughnuts...
I understand.. what about low carb cheesecake? its made with splenda, and sour cream, cream cheese and an egg.. make it without a crust? its mushy
I dont know if its allowed, but I'm thinking about makingone...
any thoughts?
15 days post op and - 23 lbs

I seem to have reached the same place your are, without the vomiting thank God. Wondering if I'm doing what I'm suppose to or not. I haven't had much luck finding a support group in my area, so I have just decided to re-read all my material I got before and after my surgery hoping this will clear my head. This web site is helping me alot, so hang in there. There seem to be a lot of people willing to help,and I'm sure you will make it.If you want to talk or exchange ideas just e-mail me.