susan welch survived
Oh Susan! I am soooooooo glad to hear from you! Just received your email a bit ago and sent one back. I was so worried! You didnt look good when I left on Thursday. I was afraid you were having a rough time of it and wish I could have helped.
Take it easy sweetie, get plenty of
and walk walk walk!
Hey we are on the losing side now!
Call me and lets catch up on whats been happening, take care hon.
Melynne ~hugggggggggs~

Hang in there girl will get better I PROMISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had 2 extra days as well.... I am also dealing w/ lactose intolerance. hang in there hun it will get better. I am having trouble getting enough protein and figuring out what I can have on the full liquid part.
Talk to you soon....I hope Debbie passed on my well wishes.
Talk to you soon,
cindy 6/18/04.....and losing!!!