question for postops
I am 5 days post op (laproscopic) and still weigh more than I did the day I went in for surgery. How long does it take to get rid of all this swelling in my abdomin and the fluid retention? I am getting in the protein but not quite up to the full amount of fluids they want. That is my goal for today. I wasn't too upset to weigh myself the day I came home and found 8lbs added, I did lose 5 by the next day, however Im still sitting here weighing more?
I had surgery on the 22nd and am wondering how your body functions are doing - are you going #1 and #2? Are you drinking/eating things with high sodium levels? I know I still keep peeing a good quantity every 1 1/2 - 2 hours, in fact I had to desperately go as soon as I was out of recovery and was delivered to my room less than 2 hours out of surgery. I woke up as they were wheeling me through the halls and kept saying "pee, pee" while they were wheeling me into the room. They got me up and I kinda remember walking to the bathroom they pointed to with attendants on both sides of me (still real fuzzy from anesthesia) telling me to take it slow, carefull (luckily they were watching IV and stuff) I went and took care of business as fast as I could. (remember someone saying 'guess she really did have to go'). Anyways, are you getting rid of your liquids or retaining them? Walking, walking, walking? Or are you still full of gas?
Sarah G
Hi Sarah,
I have not gone #2, and I am not going pee as much as I think I should. I am retaining alot of fluid in my hands and feet. I just talked to the nurse and she assured me this is normal. Not going #2 is simply because I don't have anything in my system yet. I did have problems in the hospital with low potassium levels and something else went very low too, they supplemented my IV and it all came back up. I have quite a bit of back pain which the nurse also says is normal due to the gases from laproscopic. I walk and do stairs fine, just in short distances, which frustrates me. I thought I could go for a nice walk yesterday but didn't get too far. Im sure everyday will get me farther. I have had jello, low sodium fat free chicken broth and creamy chicken soup (soup at hand) which was very good. Herbal tea goes down nice too. So far, nothing is bothering me. I am looking forward to adding some real foods after my 1 wk appt. How long were you in the hospital?
Hi Robin,
I know that when I was in the hospital they kept asking me if I was passing gas to make sure I did not have a bowel obstruction or other problems. I had to have a bowel movement before they would allow me to leave. If you are not passing gas, you might want to contact your doctor again. If you are, then be glad! I had miserable diarrhea for a week after surgery. Try to drink some diluted juice - that should help you have a bowel movement, and you will probably feel better. Were you swollen prior to surgery? I was - ALOT, but it all went away within a couple of days of coming home.
If you are worried - do not hesitate - go to the ER or call your doc again. That's what the insurance is paying them for!
Good luck,

I am one week out and have the bad diarrhea. How did you get rid of it? I have been trying to get in 8 oz of diluted fruit juice each day. I went to the full liquid and seem to be having problems with milk. I can do yogurt and pudding fine. I called Dr on Saturday and they wanted me to wait it out a few days to see if its from antibotics.
Hi Debbie,
My diarrhea seemed to go away as soon as I started to add nutrients. I added baby food bananas and soy milk, and amazingly it seemed to stop the next day. I have no idea if eating helped it stopped, or if it was merely coincidental, but it sure was nice. It's kinda hard to leave the house when you fear you will need the potty in two minutes!
I was not taking antiobiotics after I left the hospital, so I do not think that is what caused my episodes.
Take care,

Hey there Debbie..I am RNY June 22 and I am only on crystal light sf jello and beef or chicken low fat broth.....I had loose bowles and was told that is normal for a few days but not more than three days and not to squite more than 3 times a day.....I was told no mik products as they are awful to tolerate on a freshly guted bowel and hard on any regular bowel. As far as the diluted fruit juices......Zowiee.....I think that just gave me the "squirts" just reading it. Be so very careful not to get dehydrated tho....I 'd suggest law offf the mild products altogether and the fruit juices . Hope that helps.
SHeryl H