Drainage tube Questions!!
thanks for the info!! 3 days 2 hours and 14 minutes for me !! woo hoo !!
The reason I was worried is because I read some info from Dr Snyder and it said, you have to go to your 10 day post op class and directly following that we will escort you to Dr Snyders office to have your drainage tube removed. Yikes... 10 days.. No way...
see ya on the losing side..
I was lucky also, my Dr. removed mine just before I went home. But I did stay in a couple of days longer than most, Dr. Wagner did not want to take any chances with me since I was five hours away.
I had my surgery on Monday and went home on Friday. I had a reaction to my pain med. and than I had this horrible back ache, I ended up getting the Flu for a couple of days.
My back hurt so bad that at first I talked like I didn't want to go home until after the weekend, and he was gong to let me stay, but on Friday I woke up and wanted to go, so Dr. Van Wagner took a break from Surgery and came and took out my tube and checked me over and did my release.
He was the best Dr. I have ever had. and the people at New Start were the greatest. You don't know you had medium service, until someone comes along and give you the best and these people did that.
Didn't that drain tube if they moved it a little inside of you make you want to gag. I hated that thing. But my daughter said that is what is inside of us if you get opened up, ( she was on Cardiac Surgery for a long time.) She said you'd think everything would be in neat little compartments but it's not. You have all this fluid and than say over there is your kidney, and over here a gall bladder.
Thank God my daughter is a nurse and changed the dressings for me. I soaked them every couple of hours.
Hey I'm down 25lbs. today. So from June 7th.
I'm so happy. How do we get our pictures in our post.???????