Having a hard time drinking
Yes, I do. I have to remember to have something in my hand at all times and just keep sipping, sipping, sipping. My hardest times are if I go somewhere or lay down to take a nap. If I get behind I can't get caught up. I just have to work at it every day.
Congratulations on the 20 pounds! That is great
Jackie G
The RN for my Surgeon told me to get an egg timer and set it for 15 minutes and each time it goes off to take a sip then reset the timer. This has worked great for me and it is getting me into the habit of sipping water every few minutes. Soon I won't need the timer, it will become natural to sip water every 15 minutes.
We had the same date!!!
My favorite drink is V8, when I drink that, I know I will get all my fluids in. But you must dilute with half water. Congrats on the 20!!!
Another one of my favorites is AJ, this too must be diluted half and half. I haven't dumped yet, thank goodness, but you have to be careful about the 100% juices. I tried crm of mushroom soup today.....oh so yummy!!!! Just don't forget to strain and dilute.
Just try variety!