I'm Home!!!
Well, folks....
I had my surgery on Monday, June 21st. I came home today and went to hell in a handbasket to put it mildly... My sinuses decided to pitch a fit, so my dear ol' mom took me to the Walgreens where I got my fill of children's tylenol and benadryl allergy/sinus. AND... Some mylicon.. Holy COW!!! Why don't they say anything about the gas ... Or they did and I missed it. That gas is a killer.
I figured out that ICED water is much more pleasing to my pouch than just chilled water... don't know what that's about and to be honest, don't care, I'm more comfortably drinking water tonight! Adding some lemon juice doesn't hurt either.
My poor dog, he can't figure out why I'm not eating!!! He's used to getting his little tastes! Poor critter, he's going to have to settle with whatever my DH is eating for awhile!
Tonight I've been wondering why in the world I did this to myself, maybe the tylenol and junk will help me feel better about life...that and getting some water in.
I'm still glad to be on the losing side, so that's something.
Okay - Crisis over, I feel much better, except for the gas, which has been the thing making me feel the worst. Ugh. As I said, thank heaven for Mylicon.
I've had one walk today and will probably take another this evening.
I'm drinking water today more easily. I had some trouble sleeping last night, but I feel okay today, I hope that goes away because I'm one of those folks that needs my sleep to be pleasant to be around. If I can't sleep my husband is in for it!
My next chore today is a shower. Woo Hoo!!!