Home yesterday...just posting!
I had surgery on Tuesday. It was supposed to be lap, but because I had a ton of scar tissue from my hysterectomy, they had to revert to open. I can not say I was completely surprised, but I was surprised. I am pretty sore. I have staples in my main midline incision, but also four holes from the lap tools that they started out using. I have not had any nausea or dumping or much like that since I started on the liquids. I have a ton of......gas....(sorry), and that is worse than the surgical pain. I came home yesterday and slept in the recliner last night, but I want to sleep in my bed soon. I want to get to feeling better soon too. Thanks to everyone for all the thoughts and prayers and kind words of encouragement that you sent. It means more than you know.

Sounds like you had a double wammy with the puncture holes and the staples. When they do the lap they fill you full of air so they can see what they are doing. This is hard to get rid of later. I guess it passes as gas. At least that is what it was like when I had my gallbladder out. Welcome home and happy healing. I go Friday and I'm already looking forward to coming home. Ha There's no place like home.
You know, I never thought about the fact that if your surgeon has to revert, you have ALL of the incisions. That part is stinky...sorry, not a intentional link to your gas, but that will pass too! Have you tried Gas X or the Mylicon drops? I slept in bed with many pillows and did okay. I had to have help getting out of bed though,so be careful! Carrie, I've just prayed for you!!! Blessings to you! Love, Becky