Brand new to the June club
Hi Robin, welcome to the Junies club...
We love to have you!! I am also a non stop talk machine. If everyone at the office has to hear anymore about it I think they will hate Me. LOl
Lets see. To prepare I am trying to lose my 20 lbs preop, so I have better chances of a lap procedure instead of an open procedure. I am reading all thru my bariatric notebook and buying all the things on my pre op grocery list. the liquids that are allowed and all the supplements. I am so anxious. . . I can't wait for it to be over and to start the healing process.. Keep in touch Robin and keep us informed of your progress. We are happy to share in this journey with you..
Congratulations! the same thing happen to me. My original date was 08/03 and I was moved up to 06/23 as well I was so happy. I found out that I had 3 weeks to surgery and I have been trying to get my children taken care of during my hospital stay. I am getting nervous the closer the time gets. I am so ready to have it behind me though ! Welcome to the June Club!