First Day Home... Help!

Kathi G.
on 6/4/04 5:45 am - Rocklin, CA
Hi! Had surgery June 1st and came home late yesterday. Today swallowing is very painful - does this go away? Surgery went really well - no complications - only discomfort was nausea from anesthesia. Right now my greatest dilemna is pyschological! Fighting depression and "What the heck did you just do to yourself!?" Also fighting that "diet" voice that says I'll be the one WLS doesn't work for. Already miss my friend (food). Please tell me this gets better!
on 6/4/04 6:29 am - roseburg, OR
everything gets better think back in the past like when you fell off your bike and skinned your knee and thought it would hurt's better I remember when I had my c-sections and thought I will never have another baby because I never want to hurt this bad ever again.....and I had three........because it goes away and the good outways the bad after childbirth we have a baby to say yeah that is why it is worth it....well in a few week or months you will look in the mirror and see YOU the YOU you have wanted to be for so long and then you will remember why you did it and that it was worth it.........I spoke to one friend and she was 5 weeks out and said it is hard to believe she even had the surgery she has so much energy and no pain just like with most things this too will pass I would tell you a joke but afraid if you laugh it will hurt so I will wait till ok just get some rest in a few days with being home you will feel better just get in your fluid try to get the protein and remember we all love you many many many prayers for comfort
Ellar C.
on 6/4/04 7:30 am - Saint Jo, TX
Kathi, I'm so worried about my surgery it's on June 8th and I to have that same voice saying to me "You know this wont work for you!" I'm so scared and exited too. I have a great family and a great husband but they all keep saying the same thing "you do not need this, you look great" I love them but what I really want is someone to say go for it and we support you all the way! Did you have any of those thoughts? I have never been this nervous before ever. Help! and Congradulations on your surgery and I'm sure you will do great and be a big loser soon!!
on 6/4/04 11:11 am - SANDY, OR
HI, Remember I was also a june 1rst 2004! They only kept me one night! I am doing okay, not missing food yet, but I refuse to cook dinner for hubby right now. I do not want to smell real food . I have energy and little pain. the problems I have are mainly getting in the water & protein. Other than that, I have had it fairly easy so far. I know there will be bad days ahead, but for now..................
Jennifer P.
on 6/4/04 11:37 am - Elizabethtown, KY
Hi. I Have mine June 21 and feel the same way. I am scared of messing up and failing myself by failing to use this tool properly. I have had multiple surgeries before and I had swallowing problems after the last. It was due to being intibated (sp). I found warmth, around my throat and drinking, helped that. I won't say that is the problem, but it may help. Good luck. I know you will be fine.
on 6/4/04 12:59 pm - Small Town, WA
I am looking forward to not making food the center of my universe. Cannot wait for whatever my body has in store for me. Remember back of the clouds the sun is always shining. You came through surgery--- you are both a winner and a looser now. Maurene
on 6/4/04 6:00 pm - Rancho Mirage, CA
Hi Maurene, In the past I never thought I had to be a loser to be a winner, but I now understand that concept and appreciate it. I think the sore throat may be from the tube and that takes a few days to recover from. That will go away quickly as will the depression. As soon as you start seeing progress which happens quickly. Best of wishes to all of us! Len
deborah R.
on 6/4/04 11:31 pm - northeast, md
Hi Kathi:: I too will be a loser soon "June 14", I think this may help... Attitude... The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than education, than money, than cir****tances, than failures, than successes. than what other people think or say or do. It will make or break a company... a church...ahome. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one thing we have and that is our attitude... I am convinced that life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our attitudes... By Charles Swindoll I love this statement I have it hanging on my refridgerator to remind myself to keep things in check. I hope this helps you as it did me. I beleave as soon as you see the remarkable transformation that is going to take place weather you want it to or not is going to be all the encouragement you will need. God bless and keep us posted. Debbie R.
Lynn U.
on 6/21/04 7:47 am - Near Wexford, PA
Kathy. I had my surgery on 6/03. I was just sitting here thinking the same thing. I haven't been naseuated (? on spelling) except 1 day. Does that mean that the surgery wasn't done right? (fortunately a web site in my local area told me it just means I am not far enough out and doesn't mean the surgery wasnt' done right). I too am thinking maybe I will be the one the WLS doesn't work for. I think that is why I am feeling blue today. I just found this site so that is why I am replying so late. Lynn
Kathi G.
on 6/22/04 12:44 am - Rocklin, CA
Hi Lynn, Today I'm three weeks post-op. Things are going pretty well physically. I'm introducing new foods and for the most part everything is ok. I'm still battling the "blues" and, for me, that's the hardest part. It's not a matter of "attitude" - it's a real chemical imbalance that can't be changed by mind over matter. My heart attitude is grateful and calm. But my emotions are all over the map! I spent all of my adult life using food and relying on it. Now I'm having to learn how to move forward without its influence. It's a life-changing big task - one that will take some time adjusting to. I'm trying to be gentle and not beat myself up for not being "perky"! Everyone handles this differently and this is my journey. Let me know how you're doing. I'd love to stay in touch. Kathi
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