June 3rd is the BIG Day!!!
I am glad for your June 3rd date mine is June 2nd. I am sorry that your husband has to be deployed so soon after your surgery. Look at it this way when he sees you again you can start all of that courting all over again with your newer look. I know your husband will LOVE you no matter what you look like. But boy your going to have to let us know what his first expression is when he first sees the new YOU
God Bless and Good Luck
Good Luck to you too!! This is so nice having you all here so we can go thru this together. I told my husband that he isn't getting any pictures of me while he is gone. He'll just have to wait until he gets off that plane!! My parents are here for a couple more weeks to help with my kids and such. Then they want me to go back to the east coast with them. I'm not too keen on traveling that far and sitting in a car for so long. I'm having the lap procedure but still don't think I'll feel like going. Any thought's on recovery for laproscopic procedures?