Ok June losers

Tasha M.
on 4/7/04 2:27 pm - Colonial Heights, va
Where is everyone??? I'd love to get to know you guys since we will all be going through this together. Maybe we could all send in a short intro? I'll start... My name is Tasha and I live in VA with my husband and two sons Riley and Logan (5 and 2 respectively). I just turned 32 in March, in fact the same weekend that I found out I was approved for WLS. What a great birthday present. I've been gradually putting on weight since my early 20's but in the last year I have really gained a LOT. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I have a hard time getting any exercise with all this weight. It's just painful to move. I can't wait to get on the losing side. I will be so grateful to be able to move again. I look forward to hearing from the rest of you. Tasha
on 4/7/04 9:58 pm - Inwood, WV
Hi there!! My name is Carrie. I live right outside of Baltimore, Maryland. I just turned 26 on Friday April 2nd. I've been married for almost 7 years and I have two daughters. Hannah is 6 and Hayley is 2. I've been gaining weight since I was about 14 and it just got worse after my pregnancies. My surgery will be at Greater Baltimore Medical Center (GBMC) in Baltimore, MD. I'm also looking forward to hearing from the rest of you! We need to wake this board up because June will be here before we know it!! Carrie
Tasha M.
on 4/8/04 1:39 am - Colonial Heights, va
Hi Carrie! Great to hear from you and Happy belated birthday! I'm so glad I'm not the only one who wants to see this board liven up. This is such a huge thing for all of us and although my rl friends are very supportive they just don't know what I am going through. I'd love to set up a great support group of friends here on-line to go through this with. Keep on posting girl and I will too.
Mary Lou F.
on 4/8/04 12:29 am - San Diego, CA
Hi! Tasha, My name is Mary.I also lived in VA..I loved it there and can't weit to move back next year...I'm in San Diego,CA for now,my hubby is in the Navy and we travel alot...It has been really hard finding some one to chat with about this surgery..Well let me start by telling you a little about myself..I'm 34,just turned it on March26th..I have 2 kids Shane 5mos and Rebecca 7yrs...My husband is Ryan.We are from PA. And we moving to VA in 97 then to Conn,WA,PA and now we're here in CA just till he comes back from his west pack,next yrs sometime..I've been over weight ofr about 2yrs now.And have been on every diet out there.I lost 60lbs and packed on a nother 80lbs..I have read everything there is about this surgery for about 4yrs now and I know this is the thing for me. I'm ready..I'll let you know more as time goes on..I hope someday we can meet...Bye bye for now..Mary
Tasha M.
on 4/8/04 1:46 am - Colonial Heights, va
Hi Mary thanks for posting and happy belated birthday to you too! Us aries girls rock! hehehe I moved to Va in 97 as well but I'm not military. I'm originally from Monterey, CA and my dad lived in PA for years working for USAir. Small world. Mary I know it's totally cliche but seriously, I really did diet myself to this weight. I am actually almost phobic of diets now because every time I go on one I just end up fatter. UGH Keep posting girl. I look forward to getting to know you better. Tasha
Mel H.
on 4/10/04 7:43 am - Dover, DE
Hello, My name is Mel I live in Dover De we just moved here in july and love it ..but when I go to the beach I don't want to look like the beached whale either...and I want to be heathy more then anything..so I can live a long and heath life with my husband we have been married 5 years now. I will be having surgery on june 7 th . email me sometimes [email protected] or you are welcome to call 302-677-0939 I am new here and don't have many friends you know how it. hugggggs to all of you ...and good luck ....and please email me with the test you have had so far ...
Tasha M.
on 4/11/04 1:00 pm - Colonial Heights, va
Hi Mel!!! Sorry for the slow reply. I've been offline for a few days getting ready for easter. I'm am fairly new to this site too and there are so many people on the main message board. I hope we can form a nice tight knit group over here for support. hugs, Tasha
on 4/10/04 1:31 pm - Paris, TX
Hi Tasha My name is Peggye. I live in Paris, Tx and work for a middle school as a secretary. I have been over weight all of my grown life, except for 1 wonderful year where I lost 60 pounds only to gain back 80. I am married to my best friend, Billy. We have a total of 5 kids, 4 boys and 1 girl. 3 boys are mine 16, 13, 11 and 1 girl 16 and 1 boy 15 are his. They all live with us. I am so tired of being over weight. I can not wait till the surgery date of June 18. I want to be able to do things with out being knee and back pain. I just want to be healthy. I so glad that there is a tool out there that can help us to get healthy. Good luck to all the Juner's Peggye
Tasha M.
on 4/11/04 1:04 pm - Colonial Heights, va
Peggye, I know just how you feel. It seems like I am in pain every day anymore. My doctor thinks I may have fibromyalgia but really I wonder if it isn't all from being so overweight. I can't wait to be able to just do normal stuff without my back going out or my knees and ankles hurting. I hope I can use this tool for all that it's worth and be able to live a normal life again soon. hugs, Tasha
Z K.
on 4/11/04 9:35 am - Two Harbors, MN
Thought I would add mine. Hi my name is Zandra and I'm 33 and grew up in Okla but moved to Two Harbors, MN about 8 years ago. I have 2 girls, one boy and one step son. I've been scheduled since March, My surgery date is June 7. I'm ready now but think the wait is doing me good. My girls will be away at their dad's when I'm recovering, so it will be a little less busy. Although my plan is to be back at work asap. no longer than 3 weeks off is my goal. As far as I can remember I've been over weight. I got really tired of hearing, "You carry your weight well" or "You can't possibly weight that much" If I'm counting right something like 57 days left!! Good luck to all of you!! Zandra
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