5-year anniversaries right around the corner . . .

on 3/25/09 7:16 am - Rehoboth Beach, DE
Just a tad more than two months to go until we hit the 5-year mark . . . how is everyone else doing?

I am struggling (as usual). Still staying in the 170-180 lb range when I really want to be in the 160's. (This is a 20-pound gain from my lowest at 18-months out, the last 10 pounds crept up on me within the past year.) SO I'm setting a short-term goal, trying to get to 165 by my 5-year-date.

Especially before summer hits!

No complications except for an occasional instance of reactive hypoglycemia -- which I bring on myself by eating too many carbs and then my body reacts by producing too much insulin, causing me to have a low-blood-sugar incident. Other than this . . . I am still happy, healthy and glad I took the chance five years ago at a new me.

What's your story, Junebugs???

(deactivated member)
on 4/1/09 11:56 pm
Hi there BJ!
 Well, here we are again.....a year later and we're still twins! I too, am struggling....I am also in the 175 to 180 range. I also want to be 165, for our June anniversaries. I could have written your post for you. Weird, that we're always doing this, but very nice too. It's good to see you post! Nice to have someone else where you're at.....Support, baby!
 The carb monster got ahold of me, this past year and I quit working out....Bad idea! Well, I'm now back at the gym, off the carbs and I figure I have a solid two months to get 15 pounds off. Totally doable!
 I'm glad I stumbled on in here and found your post. We can do this!!! Don't be a stranger and if you need any support, I'm a email away!!
Have a great day!!
on 4/12/09 1:03 am - Rehoboth Beach, DE
Hi Lyn, Happy Easter!!! Yep, here we go again, sigh . . . after I posted on the June boads a couple of weeks ago I kept right on eating . . . this time the gain is showing as pure FLAB on my inner thighs, backrolls, hanging over my bra, UGH. I am so so so disgusted with myself, just could not seem to get a grip on this. It's carbs carbs carbs and stress-eating. Mindless eating when I'm not even hungry, and not one bit of exercise.

I am ashamed to say I even got into the kids' easter baskets last week and ate both chocolate bunnies -- had to replace them. How pathetic is that?!

One of my friends who hadn't seen me in a few months commented to me on Friday about the weight gain. I have been feeling it in my clothing and seeing it on the scale but the reality now is that it's noticeable to everybody else as well. That was the final straw. When I got home that day I weighed in at 183 (I had even been avoiding the scale).

Yesterday I stuck to nothing but protein (egg & cheese omelette for breakfast, hard boiled eggs for lunch and dinner) and I got in a lot of water. Today I plan to do the same. If I do nothing but protein for 3-4 days I will jumpstart my system again, I'm hoping. Thank goodness for Easter eggs hahahaha.

I am hoping it warms up this week so I can do a little bit of yard work and burn some calories that way.

You are right Lyn, it is do-able. And I've GOT to do it -- or I'll be so miserable with myself this summer. If I don't pull out of this self-defeating cycle NOW it might be too late.

Thanks for responding, and please do stay in touch. We can do this.

(deactivated member)
on 4/12/09 11:49 pm, edited 4/12/09 11:50 pm
Happy Easter to you too! I'm only a day late!! 
 Want to know where almost ALL of my weight gain is? Right on my ass. I feel like I carrying a 10 lb weight on each butt cheek! Weird, but true. My jeans are the only thing that I had to go up a size. Everything else still fits. All my summer clothes from last year still fit. I can't figure it out....Lots of water weight? I don't know...How much water weight can the human body hold anyway? It can't all be water, now that I think about it, maybe some of it is muscle? ....(or just 20 lbs of fat on my ass.... LOL.....) I AM perplexed, thats for sure...
 But...having said that.....I'm ready to buckle down as well. Yeppers, that scale read 183 yesterday. Twins! I tell ya, twins!! Yeah, I'm starting to panic about it. I HATE seeing the 180's again....I'm starting to feel fat again, regardless of where the extra weight ended up....Plus, I have bad knees, (from being fat, of course) and the extra weight is not helping me avoid knee surgery, thats for sure.
 BUT, it is doable, all I need to do is buckle down and go back to basics. As you know, easier said than done! Sigh.... Please stay in touch as well. I wish you lived closer....we could do lunch or be work out buddies....oh well....I hope you had a great Easter with your family. Shoot me a email soon, ok? Take care,   Lyn
on 6/24/09 7:08 am - Rehoboth Beach, DE

I have 5 more days to go until my 5th anniversary . . . and unless I physically slice a couple of fatrolls off my inner thighs and back, ain't no way I'm meeting my goal of getting back into the 160's by then.

I am down from 183 to 176-178 which is at least in the right direction, but I honestly didn't put enough effort into this, wonder why I cannot stay on track instead of sabotaging myself.

I actually skipped a period this month for the first time in my life and am now wondering if this is the beginning of menopause and what affect THAT will have. UGH.


(deactivated member)
on 6/25/09 2:26 am
Awwww, BJ.....Here's a hug for you!  Don't feel like the lone ranger.....I started working out about 3 weeks ago, (hadn't been to the gym in a year) and I've gained 3 lbs! But my clothes are getting smaller, so I think it's muscle, (It had better be!!)
 I want this 20 lbs off NOW! So I'm gonna just keep plugging along. What else can we do? I'm still glad I did this surgery. I would have never been able to loose the weight without it. So it's all good! Have a great anniversary, go out and celebrate. You deserve it!
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