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Margaret in Los Vegas, Congratulations and Happy AnniversarY!!!! I know you just feel wonderful and I'll bet you look like a million bucks!! Best of Luck on your continued success. I'll do a happy dance for you and I.
My one year anniversary is today!!! Tonya

Topic: RE: One year today!!!
Happy Anniversary and Congratulations Janet!! I'll bet you feel like a completely new person. I know I do. Today, 6/25 is my one year anniversary. I'll do a happy dance for you, for us!! Tonya
Hi everyone, It has been quite a year on June 24, 2003 my life changed drasticly. I was a very unhappy obese person who had used food my whole life long since childhood as my comforter, my friend my everything. When happy or sad I would reward myself with food. I started this journey at my highest weight of 252 and i am 5'2" tall. Size 24/26. Today i am 145 size 8/10 I no longer take any meds for my type 2 diabetes, don't suffer from sleep apenea, high blood pressure or high chlosteral. I am a very happy 55 year old person. With much higher self esteem and knowledge to know I can do whatever I set my mind to. I want to thank my friend Doug who asked me"Aren't you worth the price of a used car? and to my wonderful husband Charlie that has stood beside me for thirty years and never said a negeative word about my size, but when i talked with him and told him what I wanted to do he said GO FOR IT!!!! I have a great surgeon, Dr Alan Wittgrove in San Diego, I feel I owe him my life. He and his staff have been very supportive, with monthly telephone visits and to answer any questions i have had. But mostly I thank my Lord and Saviour Jesue Christ. I feel I am to help and support anyone who has been in my shoes. Thank you all for your support. God bless. Margaret in Las Vegas

Topic: RE: One year today!!!
WOW!!! Congratulations Janet! You are doing terrific! You have to be feeling so good about your progress! Keep up the great work!
Topic: RE: One-Year Update - Reflections
Hi Nannette, Congratulations on your first year WLS. You should proud of yourself you have come a long way baby in a year. I'm sorry for your loss and keeping busy must help. The good Lord will draw you near and keep you safe. It is a day to day process. I will keep you in my prayers. God bless you. Margaret in Las Vegas RNY Lap 6-24-03

Topic: One-Year Update - Reflections
OK, my one-year WLS re-birthday was last Wednesday and Friday was my check-up with the Dr. My bloodwork is all good -- a little high on the bad cholesterol, but overall cholesterol is under 200, (a drop of over 100 points since WLS) so not terrible.
My weight is holding steady at about 186 -- I have been up and down 5 pounds since Chuck (my beloved DH) died in mid-May, getting as low as 185, then bouncing back up to 190. I had hoped to be at 175 by this time, but under the cir****tances, I don't think I'm doing badly -- losing 150 pounds in one year! Definately couldn't have done that before WLS.
I am eating more, averaging 1500-1800 calories a day -- too high. Need to get it down to between 1200-1500 again. Mostly stress eating in the evenings when I'm home alone. Also, I had been keeping my carbs below 75 before and now it's over 120 most days. Got to get that under control again. I haven't come this far just to sabotage myself.
I have been trying to keep myself busy and distracted. I got a new short haircut on Saturday -- needed a change for many reasons. Haven't had short hair in over 20 years! So far, I like it and have gotten compliments.
I signed up for belly dancing lessons and start tomorrow -- it should be fun and will amp up my exercise regime as well as keep me busy another night each week.
I'm looking forward to the NYC OH event on Saturday -- have made hotel reservations in the city so I don't have to commute and am planning to get together with some of my AMOS buddies and hopefully meet other people too! Need more distractions! Write me if you are going and want to meet.
In summary, I hope to be able to lose another 30 pounds before "the honeymoon" is over and then pursue PS. Want to get my teeth fixed too, and be considered "HOT" again before my 50th birthday -- 2 1/2 years away!!!
Good luck to everyone on their own personal WLS journey -- your many posts help me each and every day.
Lap RNY 6/16/03 -- 336/186/156?
Topic: RE: One year today!!!
Congratulations!!!!! Janet you are well on your way down the path of using your tool and being sucessful. Continue the good work. God bless you. Margaret in Las Vegas
RNY Lap 6-24-03 down 105 lbs

Topic: One year today!!!
Hello everyone, I don't post often but I do read the message board. I just found this message board...anyway, I just wanted to say its my Anniversery!!! 6/17/03. To date I have lost a total of 122 lbs. It is truly a blessing!

Topic: RE: Need Help! 1 yr post op & not losing!
A number of thoughts come to my mind as I read your post. First and foremost, you are doing great! It sure sounds like you are doing all the right things and I wish you wouldn't be stressing over those remaining 20 lbs so much!
How long have you been at your current weight? A true plateau is 3-4 weeks. It could be that you are just stuck temporarily and the weight will start to drop again soon.
Are you still losing inches? For me, I only lost 4 lbs in the past month, but I lost 4.5 inches which is about average for me. Try not to be a slave to the scale and look at the larger your BODY looks!
Have you considered tracking your eating on When my losses slow and I start to track what I am eating, the problem quickly becomes apparent.
What is your age? Is 130 a reasonable goal for you these days? I am 41 and 5'5". I weighed 130 when I went to college. I looked really good at that weight but that was over 20 years ago and I wasn't exercising then. Keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat so 130 might not look as good on you (or me) today as it once did. Now that we are working out, we might be able to carry a little more muscle weight.
I do find that my weights fluctuates a lot more at one year out than it once did. I'm sure that is common. If you are stressing over daily gains and losses, perhaps you should consider only weighing once a week.
Just my thoughts. My sense is that the weight will come off if you continue to do the right things (just as you are now). Please ease up on yourself! Good luck.