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Omg... why did you have to mention pineapple upside down cake?!?!? Although I haven't been required to do the liquid diet thing, I've been having my own battle; I call it my food "bucket list"!! Lol
Now that pesky voice is saying, "I want to taste pineapple upside down cake, just one... more... time........"! arrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......
Hehe I can relate! I wasn't required to do a pre-op diet either, but I DO have to drink a bottle of magnesium citrate tomorrow evening (so gross!).
Anyway... Let me be the first to say Congratulations on your wls and Best Wisher for a speedy recoevery!!
Today's your big day! Best wishes for an uneventful surgery and speedy recovery!!! =)
I'll definitely add you as a freind as soon as I figure out how! XD
I'm getting excited and nervous - want it to be done - be back home and starting that new phase of life!

Laproscopic RNY at UCSF (University of California, San Francisco) Med Center.
Good luck everyone!!!
redsnapper - I love your ticker! I'm going to have to copy it! =)
Not looking forward to returning to work but i have another week to get my energy up. I have never been so "lazy" before. but i guess its better to rest and fully recover than to pu**** I work as an IT manager so there's not much physical work - mostly stressful

After the stiches were out the nurse put on some steri-strip and i had to buy some Tagaderm (sp?) to put over it for a few days so it wouldn't get wet. Now i can shower without it and wait for the steri-strip to wear off, The scar looks a lot better without the stitches.
How is your appetite? Today i am forcing myself to drink a shake and haven't eaten anything even though its past noon and other times, when i am eating my pureed food with my family i am hungry and want more. weird.... i guess seeing the old yummy stuff makes me hungry.
Let me know how you did today at the doctor. I accepted your friend request - hope i did it right. i think its great that we can talk about our mutual experience as we move along this journey!