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How much are you drinking & eating?

I MY RNY 5-5-09
Life is Good
Thanks for the help
I was having that problem before.... you need to change what you ae drinking... I actually talke xot my Dr. about that. Start drinking crystal light the pink lemonade is the best. and change what you are eating a little bit... tea and crystal light are the best. and egg salad helps too depending on what phase you are in
I'm a little overwhelmed..... I hate drinking water now. The taste of it makes me sick . I am afraid I am not drinking enough and I know a problem can arise from that. I have been drinking crystal light and tea to change things up, but I still dont think i am drinking enough.
Also, I am almost a month out of surgery and I still dont think I get hungry. I eat every five hours just to make sure, but I dont think I am eating enough. I dont feel the hunger pains like i used to and its weird. I do get these neausea feelings and then I eat something then they go away. Am I weird or do others get the same thing.
Please someone respond to this and let me know what I should do... I am losing weight and it is great I love it, But i dont like these nasty tastes and feelings. If its normal then I can deal, if not give me some help lol
any suggestions?
Cant take much more of this taste

Typically I have FF cottage cheese or Greek yogurt and a fruit for breakfast. I have tried eggs but they sit like a brick in my pouch.
Lunch and dinner I am experimenting more. I have chili, re fried beans, a ricotta bake that I found on eggfaces's site and here, some shrimp, i have had tiliapia a couple times, scallops, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, occasional a small piece of cheese, smoked turkey, steamed chicken, ground turkey pureed with some A1 or ketchup or taco seasoning and salsa. I occasionally have some avocado for some healthy fat.
I have some sugar free chocolate pudding that I mix protein powder into and snack on that at night for some extra protein. I am still only eating about 1/4 cup of food at a time. I am also drinking 2 protein shakes a day as well.
Having a protein shake for breakfast, because I don't like breakfast foods. This is also a good way of getting in my dairy and a big protein boost early in the day.
Found some Indian spinach and panir in the store that is perfect. The panir (cheese) is very soft. Also some Indian dahl (lentil soups). Had roasted chicken leg (minus the skin) today and it was fine if I chewed it 50 times a tiny bite! Also have had good success with turkey breast lunch meat.
Other things so far with success are fat free crumbled feta cheese, applesauce and raspberries (the latter added to the protein shake).
Basically I'm eating about 1/2 cup of food a meal and it takes me about 30 minutes to eat it. No nausea or vomiting so far. The hardest part is spacing everything out with the water. Eating and drinking has become a full day concern for the time being. I hope that part gets easier in the future. I'm far more thirsty than anything and would easily not eat much at all and just drink, but I know I need the nutrients.
Been averaging 70 gm. protein a day and about 17 gm fat.
I just had my 2 week appt with my Surgeon also today, I had my Surgery on 5-25 but he sees patients on Thursdays so it was either a little earlier than 2 weeks or a little later and I choose earlier.
I also love my Surgeon he is great, I could not ask for a better Surgeon for me. I had lost 8 lbs since the day of the surgery so I am happy on top of the 40 I lost pre-op, I am still on Full Liquids and puree for 2.5 more weeks then go to soft for 5 weeks. It is really interesting how different all the plans are with each Surgeons office.
I hope everyone is doing well,