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Topic: RE: May 18th, counting the days...
Thank you, I am counting the days. Good luck on your surgery too, I hope you have a speedy recovery.
Topic: RE: May 18th!
Congrats! What a great hubby and daughter! What a great way to keep you motivated!
Topic: RE: May 7th surgery yayayay Wichita Falls
Congrats! I was approved at the beginning of the week! It will be here before we know it!
Topic: RE: Have my authorization code/ letter from Kaiser!!!
Congrats! I had a fairly easy road to my approval and I am so thankful! I'm so glad that you won your appeal!
Topic: RE: Have my authorization code/ letter from Kaiser!!!
Congrats!!!! What a relief isn't it??!!
Topic: RE: May 18th, counting the days...
Thank you I see you are having surgery sooner than me. Good luck with your surgery. I hope you have a speedy recovery.
Topic: RE: DATE: May 20th - Fremont - Christine Chu
Yes I met her june 2007 extremely nice person. She is very popular is what I hear meaning alot of people in the program want her as their Doctor!!
you are blessed...
BTW she isn't my doc.

BTW she isn't my doc.