4 months out
I got good labs back last week and I got my A1c down from a 9.0 to a 5.5, so the doc says I am no longer considered diabetic.
I hope all the other MAY'ers are doing well too!

I MY RNY 5-5-09
Life is Good
While I'm tired (mostly from getting up at 4:20am to be at the gym at 5am), everything is going well. I tolerate all foods that I'm supposed to eat. I drink an "iced protein latte" every morning for an extra protein boost. Oh, and while my hair isn't falling out in clumps, I'm shedding a bit more the past month than I usually do. Oh well.
I will be 4 months out at the end of the month. I just got over a 3 week stall, but lost 4 lbs last week.
I have lost 41 lbs since surgery, I wi**** was faster, but I have always been a slow loser.
I am really trying to up the exercise this month so we will see if that helps.
I also have resigned myself to having a protein drink for breakfast, seems to help me not panic about getting my protein requirements in on a daily basis, it's a great protein start to the day at 35 grams. I mix 1 1/2 scoops chocolate unjury, 1/2 cup milk, some ice, splash half and half, and splash of coffee in a blender. It's actually quite good.
This past month I have seen more shedding, some days alot, some days not so much. I have alot of hair so I am hoping it wont be that noticeable.
As for eating, I can eat almost anything in a small portion. Lucky you that you can have a taco - I try, but it usually makes me feel really yucky. I don't dump per-se, I just feel like crap (as if I were REALLY drunk or something) for a bit and then feel like a champ abotu 30 min later. I eat a ton of fish (Sushi, Grilled or baked Tilapia, Salmon, fresh Tuna, crabcakes with no breadding, shrimp galore, scallops, crab). Essentially if it comes from the sea and is fresh, I'm in - it's the easiest for me to tolerate by FAR. I like fish a lot, so that works out well. I eat a lot of watermelon, canteloupe, and berries - just not a lot at a time. I used to lvoe Chicken salad and Tuna salad and I am just unable to tolerate those two - they gross me out in a big way and often make me feel like crap after I eat them. I thought it was the mayo, but I do fine with that most times. I had a Greek salad (1/2 cup) yesterday and it was DEEElish - I had been craving one since my surgery. I typically don't eat salads, though, because there isn't a lot of nutritional value, but it was mostly Chicken nicely moistened by tomato, feta, and lettuce.
Mornings are tough for me - if I don't eat something and just have a protein shake ( which fills me up for hours), then once I have lunch my blood sugar plummets (they tell me it's reactive hypoglycemia), so I typically eat a hard boiled egg and a mini light yogurt. I am sick of all fo the protein shakes, so I bought some Blk Cherry Proteinex from Bariatric Eating which in 3 oz I can get 18g of protein - it tastes pretty bad concentrated, but I try to shoot it and chase it with a sugar free drink. I just started this and it is really helping up my protein.
My hair is falling out, started at 3 months, and it's in full shedding mode now. Luckily I started out wiht a LOT of hair, so now it is definitely thinner but I'm not sweating it - hopefully that phase will end in 2-3 months.
All in all, it's definitley been an adjustment, but definitely well worth it and I wish I had done this years ago, too. I have various levels of acceptance around me from my friends and family. Mostly my closest have been supportive as heck and I really don't waaste my time on those that are bothered by it.
Great to hear from everyone and keep up the good work!
No sagging skin yet (I check this regularly!) but my hair is falling out by the handful. I was expecting it but it is much worse than I expected. Luckily, I have very thick hair so only my hairdresser and I notice.
My biggest problem is drinking with meals. Haven't had any negative side effects from it yet. Even then, I still have a hard time getting enough fluids in each day.
No throwing up or constipation since surgery so I'm grateful for that.
Continuing to average about 900 calories per day, 80 g. carbs and 65-70 g. protein. Trying to get my protein up to 80 g and carbs down to 60 g. Gradually moving in that direction.
SW-272, CW-219, GW-175
I am not quite to 4 months it will be 4 months on the 25th. I have lost 32 lbs post op and 40 lbs pre- op for a total of 72 lbs which has been great. I feel that I have been losing weight really slowly but my Surgeon thinks I am doing just fine. I seem to be a little stalled I haven't lost weight in 2 weeks. I have not dumped but I do throw up at times when I eat to much, drink to close to my meal or not chew good enough. I am learning everyday. I have gone from a tight 22 pants to a size 12 jeans it is so exciting to be able to shop in regular stores rather than the large size sections only. I hope to continue to lose weight and will just have to see what happens these next couple of weeks.
WIsh you all much success on your journey


293/255/199/165/142 Highest Wt/Surgery Wt/GOAL #1/Goal #2/Current
GOAL #2 REACHED-March 3, 2010, Breast Reduction-Sept 9,2011