Alright- gross- but can you burp????
I have also felt the bubble in the middle of my chest i would assume that we are talking about the same thing. If i cant burp i do find it painful. This morning I woke up with a huge bubble and was in pain for almost 15 min before I could burp. I emailed my dr and they said that it is normal and to take gas-x to help with it. I have not had problems burping but sometimes it takes a little time. Did you have shoulder pain from the surgery?
Oh, I had it bad!! The good news is that it does get better though! I had to stay in the hospital 3 extra days because once liquid would go down, I couldn't burp and felt like my chest was going to explode! The pressure was excruciating! My surgeon said that maybe the band was a little too tight. He even offered to go back in and fix it, but I did not want to go back under the knife. They gave me some lidocaine patches that I put right on my chest, that helped and pain med helped. Ultimately it just took time for things to loosen up and for my esophagus to relax and let liquids and burps do what they're supposed to do. It got a little better everyday, and by day 5, I was a whole lot better, now at day 9, I'm good as new. Hope that helps. I stayed on clear liquids in very small amounts until all that passed. Now I'm on blended foods and have had no further problems at this point. Good luck -- and don't be afraid to ask for meds. than can help you feel better.

Sunny Dreams