Itchy red skin around incisions

on 5/20/09 1:40 pm - Dunedin, FL
Hey all you May babies - congrats! I had my Lap RNY last week - wed, May 13, and my tummy started itching a few ( 2 or 3) days ago  - not on my incisions at all, but the rest ot my tummy. Now, it's looking red and rashy like. The weird part is that I can see white outlines around my steri strips and incisions, and the rash seems to be around my strips and coverings when I was more swollen, before my incisions went down. My best guess is that it's some type of topical anti-biotic or cleanser that they put on me post op after they sewed me up and I'm having a little reaction. I'll call my doc tomorrow AM, but I was just wondering if anyone was having the same or similar issues? 


on 5/20/09 9:27 pm - Charlotte, NC
I have not yet had my surgery, but I get a rash from bandaids it is usually worse than what I was trying to cover.  It could be from the steri strips.  Good idea to call your Dr.  best of luck and hope it gets better soon.

40 lbs lost pre-op


on 5/21/09 1:01 am - Lawton Ft Sill, OK
The glue my doc used to stick down the strips itched me like crazy. It was red and I actually scratched some spots till it bled and made a scab. Now all the strips are off an I have an outline of where they were. My mom reminded me I am allergic to the glue and the strips ( I have previous surgery where they used the same stuff).

     I  MY RNY 5-5-09    Life is Good
       myxferadd.jpg picture by mikeysbrightstarboobies.gif picture by mikeysbrightstar

on 5/21/09 4:25 am
If your incisions are itchy that means they are healing...but I would ask about the rash.

Kelly S.
on 5/22/09 9:25 pm
I too have had itch and rash in the areas BETWEEN my surgery sites.  I think it is residual from somehting that they used on my skin, or it could just be the healing process. I used some vitamin e ointment and was just careful to not get it near my port sites.  It helped with the itching, but I still have it on and off.
on 5/22/09 11:33 pm - Dunedin, FL
Thanks for all of your answers - they all make sense - I too think it was something that they swabbed on my belly after my surgery because it is almost in stripes on my belly. I did call the doc, and they said that it was most liely the bandages they had on me (either during surgery or riht after) that were over my steri-strips but that were removed before I woke up in recovery.   Either way, my doc said to take 25mg od Benadril every 8 hours, and it has really helped wiht the itching. The redness is there, but much less so and it hasn't spread, thank goodness.

on 5/27/09 3:39 am
I had the red rash and it turned out that I was allergic to the pain meds.  After taking the pain meds for almost a week, it had built up enough in my system that body finally recognized it.  It turns out that I was allergic to codine.  That kinda sucked because the codine was helping me sleep.
on 5/28/09 1:38 pm - NJ
I haven't had the surgery yet but Are you allergic to latex? I get itchy with bandaids on too. Even socks that had latex in them itch. Does the glue they use have latex in it??
on 5/29/09 5:44 pm - Wilmington, NC
I had the same thing and use hydrocortisone cream and it cleared up in about a week.  I was sensitive to the steristrip adhesive....
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