May 5th
Hello Ladies...Well Im going to give this messaging a shot...I also have my surgery on CINCO DE MAYO...When I got the date I had to chuckle due to it being somewhat of a holiday..and hopefully it will be a "holiday" for us...Soo I have two daughters at home soon to be 12 and a 4 yr old...Im having thoughts that I am being selfish...Due to the fact Im scared to death litterly something will happen to me in surgery..You know not wake up, get a blood clot anything..I just need some reassureing...I know people say you risk your life every day driving back and fourth to work yada yada...but this is an elective surgery Im having (rny by the way) sure everyone has these thoughts just wanted some more input....also I go tomorrow for all my blood work and to meet with my surgeon again..then again on the 30th for the scope..I pray im doing the right thing..Thanks in advance for replying..I just hope Im able to retrieve them as im new to this...