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Topic: RE: My date is May 12th
Congratulations !! Geeez wasn't that really fast to be approved i hope to have the same luck . I am new also & afence sitter for now ..... I have too many questions to mention for Lap band . Take care
I am new here & a serious fence sitter so to speak . I go to my 1st just info mtg on May 14th . I have soo many questions i dont know where to begin . I am from the
Ruther Glen / Ladysmith area. has anyone had surgery in M Wash Hosp ? Any advice or tips you can give me will be greatly appreciated .......Thank you in advance :-D
Topic: My date is May 12th
Wow.... I have date and its May 12th. My request for surgery was sent in 2 weeks ago and it was approved on April 29th.
I am looking for others with the same date, close date or just someone else who needs a buddy.
Topic: insurance problems
I have been to a seminar at Southwest Medical In Dallas. They told us to contact our
insurance to see if our particular policy covers what their medical policy says they do. i have BCBS of Illinois. They have a medical policy for gastric bypass. i have to see my PCP monthly, for 6 mo. and provide documentation of obesity for last 5 yrs. Also, have psych eval and see dietitian. I have been doing this for the last 2 months. i finally got around to calling BCBS today. They told me that, yes, my policy covers WLS, but they exempt certain codes and obesity and morbid obesity are exempted. Has anyone had this happen. I am so afraid that this will mean no coverage. I have read that denial can be overturned but not an exemption.
Topic: RE: Day 3 of Pre-Op Diet..sigh
I hope you feel better soon! You can do it! I can't speak from experience yet, but it will all be worth it. You are doing a great job so far and is won't be long now. If it's any consolation (maybe it isn't?) but you and me both have probably had enough "last meals" just knowing this was coming up right?... anyway I'm just saying... Good luck with everything. Hopefully someone who has been there will give the proper pep talk. LOL.
Good Luck!
Topic: May 12th is my new birthday
May 12th is my new birthday. I can't wait. I've lost 12 pounds in 4 days and 10 more days of post-surgery protein drinks. Keep my weight dropping off, please!!: thumbsup
Topic: ;jump;BABYSISTERDEES MAY 14 2008 SERGERY DATE;angel:
I need to have a angel does anyone want to be my angel?
Topic: please help our mom
please check out the page we have set up for mom on my space and check out the blog. she is wanting to have the lap band surgery at georgetown ky. she's attempted but her insurance never went thru. this is our hope for mom for mothers day
thanks debra luckett
Topic: Home from Surgery
I am in a little pain, coughing a lot, and feeling extremely tired. Surgery went well though. I am so glad I went through with it. Now, I just have to get over the surgery part.