Anyone know why we're not suppose to have caffeine?
michele, that is my understanding as well. my doc has never said one way or the other just to limit it. I've also heard it can make you feel hungry...probably due to the whole diretic cause.
I stayed away for maybe a few weeks? and even then I switched from espresso to regular coffee and 16oz. a day instead of 24oz. I mix mine with chocolate sf instant carnation bfast and skim milk to get protein in as well...makes me feel better about drinking the caffeine.

I had surgery May 7th and last week I started drinking caffienated coffee. I work nightshift so its my booster. Just yesterday I had my 3 month followup and was asked about caffiene. I told the dr that yes I had started drinking caffiene. I was told its not a good idea for us to have it because it increases hunger and causes ulcers.
I didn't know we weren't suppose to drink caffine. My Drs. assistant sugessted to me to put my s/f instant breakfast in my coffee since I can't tolerate milk. And I drink crystal light energy strawberry (YUM) all day long. I haven't had any problems, but maybe I outta re-think this. Also, do any of y'all smoke?
Caffeine/Coffee is pure acid. Acid causes ulcers and tissue degeneration in general. It might taste good and give you temporary jolt but in the long run it can be very harmful to your health.
46 lbs lost pre-op Eat Healthy to Stay Healthy