10 weeks post op-pain when eating solids
Hi guys, I am really having a tough time. I feel like I am getting sick (rarely actually vomitting) but just really uncomfortable and bad pain for anywhere from a half hour to 3 hours every time I try ANYTHING new or stray from my "safe"food list, which basically has never progressed past the soft food list. I can not tolerate eggs, meat, bread, fruits veggies protein shakes or any of the good stuff i should be having! Its maddening.
Has anyone experienced this and how long did it last? I am just about 11 weeks post of now from RNY.
The most frustrating is that some foods I think I am safe with are now starting to backfire on me, like soup. I have been living on it and all of a sudden i got sick from it yesterday. Only difference is I ate a raisin- ONE raisin while making my sons lunch and then had my soup right after and i got really sick- in agony for 2 hours with pain and burping and feeling like i am going to throw up but cant.
Could one lousy raisin have done it? Then last night i had 1 small slice of CAlifornia Pizza Kitchens thin and crispy white pizza. I was nervous about the spinach so i picked it off and everything was fine- no problems. Today i had about a half of 1 slice but i ate the spinach- very small amount....and you guessed it- I spent an hour in the bathroom with dry heaves while everyone else was out at the pool. I cant live like this anymore. I am so bummed out. I am down 60 pounds (incl pre-op loss) and i want to be happy about it- but i am terrified to try anything new and its impossible to take part in daily life. I thought by now I would be able to go out and have some chili or shrimp ****tail and be satisified...but they have both made me sick. It doesnt seem like this is normal. I feel like someone i*****hing me in the chest when i eat and it takes my breathe away.
I do have a doc appt on Friday so I am anxious for that and to get some answers. I have called the office twice in the past month about this- asking for a scope to check for a stricture and both times they talked me out of it and said there is no way i have that since i am able to keep some things down (yogurt, cheese and crackers, tuna salad, peanutbutter and rice cakes, protein bars) but this just seems strange to me.
They told me everyone is different and just because they say we can go to a full diet at 8 weeks doesn't mean everyone is ready and to wait it out. This makes sense but i feel like alot of you on the May forum are eating just about everything in moderation!
Thoughts on this and how long it might take until i can eat more of a variety?
Also does anyone think that the raisin and spinach were the culprits and what is the deal with fruits and veggies/salads? This is all so BIZARRE, its like if i were on a "diet" i would go out and order a nice salad with grilled chicken and it would all be fine- but i am so scared to do that! I wont even touch chicken after the experiences i have had, and i dont know when i can eat salad?
Thanks to anyone with thoughts...this site has been my life line.
Deb in Boston
Hi Deb, I am almost 8 weeks out and doing the same thing. I am now taking phenergan before I try to eat anything. But mostly, I just drink a lot of water.
I see people on the May board that are eating all sorts of stuff. I eat cheese crackers, 1 or 2 at tops, maybe 1/2 cup soup.....sometimes. I never know what is going go down and stay or just make me feel like CRAP!!!! I am hopefull that it will past. I was told at my last appt. that I was really dehydrated and to drink more, stay out of the sun awhile and slow down on yard work and exercise fo a little while. I have been trying all of this and am feeling a little better. But I think I am getting scared to even try most foods again. Maybe we will "outgrow" this as we get a little farther out

Hi Tammy, what is phenergan and does it help? Did your doc prescribe it? I had 1 scallop and 2 bites of grilled mahi mahi out at a tapas bar last night. it all stayed down fine- thank god. So that is a good step. One of my friends told me to try and treat this like a pregnancy...give it 9 months to really heal and adapt and by the end it will all be worth it and be so much easier. I thought that was a really good way to look at it. So I am trying to stay positive...but its tough some days.
Good luck and keep in touch!
Hi there...I was having alot of issues about 3 weeks out and finally figured out what it was...maybe its the same for you. I wasn't getting enough carbs and I was getting low carb sick. My Dr suggested eating mashed potatoes with my meats and I started feeling so much better. Now I'm eating fruits and veggies, but man I was feeling like crap not getting enough carbs so it might be worth a shot.... Lauren
Phenergan is an anti-nausea medicine presribed by the doc. I break 1 in half and take it before I eat. It does wonders, but I can't take a whole 1.....knocks me out cold!
Anyway, I just can't get down much of anything anyway. Today I've had 1 bite of fish....
about 5 hrs. later 1 bite of pintos and cheese....
and later tonight 3 bites of cream of chicken soup, you guessed it...
Oh well, I'll try again tomarrow. I am now down around 70lbs.I guess that is the normal rate for now? As for carbs, I'll give it a try, if I can get enough down to make a differenc. We'll see, anyway get some phenergran to keep with you, it works really fast and has been a great relief for me.

Hi Deb,
Yep the rasin and spinach did it. I can't eat chicken or eggs or pasta of any kind, I can eat the topping off of pizza but not the crust LOL, It is really crazy what I can eat and what I can't. I can eat nachos and cheese and crackers, yogurt , tuna, baked or fried fish. I can eat cheese and crackers but cheese by itself makes me sick. I finally figured out that "slider foods" such as crackers and chips make things go down easier than they would otherwise. I know we aren't supposed to eat them but all things in moderation I guess.
Also you may be eating too fast, try this. Take a small bite, chew, chew, chew and swallow it in increments. I was having the same problems as you are but when I started doing this it helped ALOT! Also get you some papaya enzymes and take them after you eat anything, I have found this helps me alot also. Wait 2-3 minutes between bites. I have also found that if I go too long without eating it's like my pouch goes into shock when I do finally eat. But it sounds like you are getting air trapped in your pouch when you eat instead of actually dumping.
The only protien drink I can tolerate is Slimfast Lo carb, the rest of them make me dump in a big way. I can also tolerate Carnation instant breakfast in skim or 1% milk but that is a new developement LOL.
Hang in there it really does get better!
Hi Sheila,
Thanks so much for your advice, this is really helpful. It sounds like we are able to eat very similiar things and not much else. I have heard of that papaya enzyme thing before so I am glad you mentioned it. I am definitely going to try it.
I bought an icecream maker this weekend to try some of the protein recipes on eggface's website...have you seen them? They sound great. I am hoping that might help me increase my protein and calories. Also the Special K water sounds good- I have to look for that.
I was reading your profile and cracking up about your life in Texas...my husband was born in San Antonio...and he tells me about what it's like there and you sound like you are a true Texas Gal! We hope to visit soon...I want my son to see the River Walk and meet his relatives there.
Thanks again for your help and keep in touch!
Yep, Texas born, bred and raised. I grew up on a farm and when I got to where I could I bought a bigger farm LOL. My idea is to raise most of my own groceries so I don't have to go to the store much. I have goats, chickens, turkeys, geese and horses. I also work a full time job working 12 hour shifts at a prison as a nurse. LOL there are some days I ask myself why I have so many critters lol especially when one of them gets sick or just gets into something and I discover it on my way to work .
I also hunt and fish which helps on the grocery bill. So summers I spend my time gardening and canning the winters I spend hunting , butchering and canning LOL. I think I need a vacation.
I am so thankful for this sugery, now I have the energy to almost keep up with everything where before a day in the garden or canning just wore me out.
My email is [email protected] if you want to shoot me a line there.
I just read all your posts and it sounded like you are talking about me!
Tonight I had about 2 oz. Talapia and 2 bites of wild rice and it stayed down! :}
Anyhow, I hate to drink, soI eat a lot of "no sugar" ice pops!. I think their are a lot more like us, but just as many as have no problems. Since they don't, they probably don't post much!!! :} I can't eat any meats! So stick 2 fish for now. I ate 7 grapes yesterday and was thrilled that stayed down!lol The Special K water is good and Special K has a high protein cereal that stays down. Tasty too! My email is [email protected] if you ever want to talk about our similiar situations! Good Luck, Tonie

Hi Deb
My surgery was May 6 and I am EXACTLY right there with you! Can't really progress much past soft foods and even that is a gamble. They did check me for a stricture and found I had an ulcer at the jenum junction. That was a month ago. Carafate and nexium help and the ulcer is reduced but food is still a problem. I am down 65 pounds and thought this would overjoy me. I am pleased and love the extra energy but it is definately tempered by the pain w/food issue. There is no rhyme or reason either soup that was okay for lunch makes me feel I want to vomit at dinner. and it just plain hurts. I am hydrated again but Protein has become an issue and any meal cannot be more than 2 -2.5 oz total or I'll feel like dying.
Something my surgeon told me has helped me understand though.
He compared the pouch to a baby. The Surgeons know how to create and give us the baby (pouch) but every baby is different so once the baby gets home they can't predict the behavior. Will the baby develop normally, have colic, etc. He says my pouch is collicy but the good news is most babies stop with the colic within 6 to 8 months. So hang in there and keep treating the symptoms.
I work for a bunch of pediatricians. When I told them this they laughed and said I should try some of the colic remedies. Surprisingly, the rosewater with a little ginger does help that uncomfortable period 30-60 minutes out.( I even throw in a 1/4 scoop of protein.
I believe it will get better. I just have to find out what comforts the baby. I know this doesn't help but hopefully you feel better knowing you are not alone, I know I do.
Please contact me and let me know how you are doing. We will help each other