How much are you exercising?
I am having the WORST time getting into a consistent workout regime. I will just do it whenever I want or feel like it and most importantly have the time. I work FT and have two small children that suck my energy dry! I was hoping by now, down 32# I'd have a bit more energy to exercise. I just have to suck it up and do it b/c I know it will only speed things up and tone things up as well.
I'm thinking of joining Curves since its near my office but I hate to spend the money. I have a treadmil at home but NEVER have the time or energy at home.
Just curious what the rest of you May-daters are doing at this point for exercise?
I exercise everyday. I was just strolling about three miles about four times a day but I now work out at the gym 6 days a week. I do weightlifting 3 times a week and aerobic six times a week (treadmill and eliptical). I also find every and every reason to be active whether cleaning my house, parking far away from store, taking my kids swimming, walking to church, ect. I think the most important advice my Husband gave me about exercising is it take 2 weeks to start a habit good or bad.
So I made myself exercise no matter what to start a good habit and it worked I cant do without my exercise. Hope this helps.

I am a offical Wii Fit addict. I do an hour a day. The step aerobics, hula hoop, and rhthym boxing really get your heart going. The Yoga is awesome, the strength training I can only do a little of right now. I did have a Curves memebership awhile back and it was the most fun I had ever had at a gym, but I like my Wii Fit better. I wake up an hour early just to get it in. It gives such an energy boost.... if you know anyone that has one try it out. It is an $350 investment, but I have logged in over 13 hours on it in 20 days. ANd my kids love exersizing on it too... I have a 10 year old and a 2 1/2 year old that both use it. My husband does yoga, step, and hula hoop and has lost 10 lbs in 3 weeks. My husband would never be caught dead at anyplace doing any of those exersizes but he loves to do them in the comfort of our home...try it out...lauren
Wow I feel like a slug after reading some of these comments! I am also having a tough time getting going with an exercise program. I am 9 weeks out but still only getting in about 500-600 cals a day max so I dont understand how you people are doing all that exercise and surviving! I am very active- chasing my 3 yr old all day, in the pool swimming alot and taking the dogs for a walk here and there...but I need to focus on increasing my calories and building up my energy right now.
I did try a free week at Curves last week and I really enjoyed it- but man I was wiped. I decided to wait until September to join because I just cant use up that many calories right now. Man I never though I would be talking like this!!!
So how many calories are you guys taking in and how are you doing it? I have had alot of food intolerances so maybe that's why I am not getting enough in?
I am very interested in that Wi Fit thing- sounds like a blast!
Hey Girl just letting you know that I dont get anywhere near the calories you get. Thats great. I am still around 300-500. I eat pretty much the same thing everyday. I eat protien first and formost if I dont get it in then i have nothing else. The exercise i do at around 6-8 in the evening. I do it at that time so I can sleep well cause I too am pretty tired at the end of the day. Your doing great though cause I am keeping an eye on your progress so keep it up. I fill pretty fast and when I eat it seems to keep me full all day which leaves me with one meal sometimes. I do drink alot of water though even that fills me. Do you get this too?
Hey Brenna...well thanx for keeping tabs on me.
I have not been tracking my calories. I am bad at journaling, etc. I just try to be mindful of what I am eating and how much I am eating. I try to eat protein first. I have found a new "love" in the McDonald's grilled chicken honey mustard wraps for $1.50. I know they aren't the best but in a pinch its nice to know there IS something out there. And I never come close to finishing them or just pick out the chicken after a few bites w/ the wrap.
I need to do better on water and exercise. Why are those things so hard?!?
I started walking a few weeks ago, then it rained for days and I got bummed, then I sprained my ankle...and here I am today STILL not exercising on a regular basis. sigh.
But I too go thru moments where I can only eat a couple bites of whatever it is I'm eating and I'm stuffed and full for hours....still strange to me. My brain still says "wait! there's more food to eat!!" so I have to put it away right away so I don't eat more.

Hi Brenna,
That's great you are exercising so much on so little calories-I am trying but I need more pep in my step! I had a few more bad food episodes over the past week and I am going to call my doc tomorrow to try and figure it out.
I started my latin aerobics class this week- it was a blast! Its only 1 ngiht a week though so I have to do better daily. Good idea to do the exercise at night. We have an eliptical and I have been avoiding it. I am going to try it before bed.
I get full really fast but it doesn't last that long- definitely not all day. I get hungry but not like i used to...its different. Then it only takes a couple bites and i am done.
I have been struggling with my fluids because eating screws me up! It was easier on the liquid diet! I have to wait so long til after eating to drink and then i lose momentum and get behind on my fluid intake. It's all a big puzzle.
Well thanks for your reply and best of luck to you!
Hi Deb,
Sorry it took me sooo long to respond. Been on vacation. I dont know how I do it too. I just try to stick to the basics cause it can get so confusing. I sip water all day. Maybe thats why I dont eat sooo much. I have been doing better though. I have actually been eating out with the family which has forced me to deal with eating other things. I have been doing really well. My rule of thumb is eat as fresh as possible. I have decided to stay away from processed foods. As close to nature as possible has been working wonderfully for me. Also my secret for motivation is looking at all the before and after photos by name. When I find a picture Im very impressed with i read their profile in hopes of getting some good ideas for success. I also like to window shop cause I cant wear something long enough to enjoy it. I am planning what I will dress myself with when Im at goal! Oh I do treat myself to something everyday. I love a cup of coffee (decaf) with splenda and vanilla creamer.....I love this treat. Will I hope to hear how you are doing.