How are the May Surgery Ppl Doing?
1 month 2 days post op for me...WOW!
so far I've lost 28#'s! Some days I can tell and others I can't. I know in my head 28#'s is a lot of weight to lose especially in only a month. I fear I too have hit the notorious stall and am not liking it. I'm hoping after "aunt flow" leaves the scale will start tipping again. And I neeeeeed to be more consistent with exercise. I just seem to do it here and there and when I feel like it (which isn't often). I fear I get away with too much food wise as well...there are some things I can't eat, some things I won't even dare eat but lately (and maybe its "aunt flow") I've been snacking instead of eating meals. Mostly Graham crackers, pretzels, or hummus on pita bread. I've had a few episodes where food got stuck but only one dumping syndrome so far very early on. Neither one much fun.
Happy One Month Anniversary to some of you Maysters!!!

on 6/7/08 12:51 pm
on 6/7/08 12:51 pm
Hi Kristy,
My name is Debra I had my wls May 5th. I did well at first and lost 34 lbs. But already this past week i have came to a stand still as far as weight is concerned. And now I am so frustrated that this may be harder to reach goal than i first understood it to be. I had the open RNY. It seems i cant break through this wall I have hit for nothing. I am getting depressed that i may have gone thru all this for little of nothing. alot of times i can only eat about 3 bites of real food and it feels that it may get stuck going down and then there is the matter of getting it to stay down
staying down. How can i not lose weight? How normal is this?
Thanks, Debra
Hi All!
My surgery was May 19. I was miserable the first week. I went back to work after 8 days, which was too soon in hindsight. I too have "stalled" the past few days. I am happy to hear that that is common. The past two days I was a bit worried, now I know by the kindness of others sharing that it will pass after my body finishes "starvation mode." I do have hunger pains. I nibble all day. To fufill my 90 grams of protein, I drink this stuff I found online. It's called "proslam 34" by Protica ) It is about 3 ounces of liquid in a plastic vial and has 45 grams of protein with NO fat and NO carbs. I can drink one in the morning and one at night and fufill my protein requirement. I also have been eating cheese cubes, Yoplait Light non-fat yogurt. I have scrambled eggs for breakfast. I was told the new gatorade (R-2?) is low calorie and nutritious, so I bought a case of them. Tried one today, tasted good. I have a small piece of meat for dinner, nothing else. I lost 30 pounds the first 15 days but as I said, have stalled. I have to really struggle to consume two bottles (one liter each) of water daily. The hardest part is NOT drinking with meals. I have paid the painful price of drinkiing with meals. Haven't had too much problem with dumping. I want to wish all May surgery patients bountiful blessings!
Hi everyone. I had RNY May 21st! I'm three weeks out today. I was kinda blue a couple nights ago, thinking WHAT have I done? But, I was over that pretty quickly. Just kinda mourning food, know what I mean? I'm having trouble finding things I like to eat, or CAN eat. Milk & eggs especially. I also find I'm kind of out of breath sometimes. And maybe have a bladder infection? My body feels out of whack. I guess that's to expected considering all it's going through. I started at 257 and am now 215.
Hellllllllllo all you Maysters.... I had RNY on 5/20 and too am struggling with a stall or at the very least the same yo-yoing two pounds over the last 3 days. I feel fantastic though and have no problems with dumping or pain just a little fatigue late in the day. I think that's because I am just a little short on my protien intake but I ordered some Isopure (50 grams per shake) so hopefully by next week I will be a little more entergized....
-28lbs since surgery!! woooohooooo!!

Hi everyone,
I had surgery on 5/8 and I'm 40 lbs down. I really need to learn to expand my food selections because I'm eating the same things! Turkey chili, LF cheese sticks, Trader Joe's soy crisps, peanut butter, salads, etc. It's getting easier dealing with head hunger but certain things (soft-serve ice cream) make me want to go into a closet and scream! It's getting easier though, and I have NO regrets.