I don't feel good
For most of us, Yep! Water does hurt for a while and even still a year out if I gulp or it is too cold. Remember there have been foreign objects and reworking of the plumbing so to say LOL in your gut, major surgery, so yea you are going to be sore for a long time espically on your left side. Sometimes when you eat to fast or don't chew your food in small enough pieces(mush) your chest will feel like it could explode. When they say small bites and sips they mean baby sips and bites. Honestly. It will get better.
I have been noticing that if the water is too cold I get pains. And I LOVE cold water... I have been drinking a lot of hot decaf tea lately that seems to keep the pain under control. I have also been taking low sodium soup and straining it so I just have the broth. I was getting sick of the chicken, beef broth. This way I get the taste of my favorite soup. I have been freezing the veggies and noodles for when I move on the soft foods stage.
Good luck.