The gasses are killing me
I had RNY May 6th and had terrible, painful chest pains from the gas for about 4-5days! Thought it would never end but I just walked as much as I could, sipped water as much as I could and burped forcefully.
I think each individual is different on how they expell and how quickly they expell that gas they blew into us for surgery...not to mention you will just have gas now whether it comes out on top or bottom. I burb SO much more now than I ever did before surgery.
If its still quite painful I would encourage you to call your surgeon's office and ask.
Hope you feel better soon!

i know how you feel i ha lap band on april 10 and i finally felt better 7 days later i felt like i had the flu my body ached the dr told me to walk but who could walk when i felt like just laying down , i also took some gas x extra strength and that helped me ayou nd another thing that helped me was a heated pad on my stomache.. what you are feeling is totally normal hang in there i bet you by the 27th you will feel better a couple of friends that have had the surgery says ut takes exactly a week for recovery ,, hang in there and let me know how you feel??