Dumping really sucks....
Okay finally had my first dumping experiance. I don't know what it was... I drank Over the moon FF Chocolate milk... and took a tums about 15 minutes later....OMG it was a tingley feeling that started in my stomache, then the sweats and spins, then a little dry heaving( boy that feels weird)... then laying in bed for 30 minutes till the dizziness went away. Man I can't imagine that happening while I was out somewhere. I would have to pull over if I was driving.... anyone else have dumping yet? Lauren
and it DOES suck!!! Mine was totally stupid as I drank a Boost High Protein thinking "oh, yippee "high protein" not reading my labels close enough and it had 27g of sugar!!!
That was my wake up call that I can't tolerate sugar added stuff. I do okay with yogurt and under 17g but that's the last time I'll try one of those again!!!
I've also gotten a little sweaty and dizzy after eating a bit or two too fast...not like dumping but a clear "woah! not good" feeling.
Unfortunately, we will dump again at some point but its live and learn and READ THOSE LABELS kinda game now.