Seriously - can one person have this much gas?

(deactivated member)
on 5/16/08 1:54 pm - Glendale, CA
Hi folks, I had my RNY on MOnday May 12th came home Wed May 14th and woke up this morning to my first "baby poop" Not to be gross, but since that poop I have been farting non- stop and man are these huge farts. I mean how can one person make this much gas? I am like a methane factory here. All I have had since surgery is broth, protein shakes, and water, I have gotten past the fire breathing dragon tongue and now just have sort of dry snake tongue. I realize there is a revolution going on in there but seriously. I feel fine, no pain to speak of, a bit tired and wimpy, but otherwise okay. If anyone has had this experience, please let me know. I read somewhere on these pages that it might be lactose intolerance, and my protein shakes are milk based, but I am wondering if it more than that. thanks.
on 5/16/08 8:58 pm - BEAUFORT, NC
Good Morning, Did you read my post back a couple days??? LOL, Gas is something we all experiance and alot of it the first year. Like I said the smell of it will clear a movine theatre. Men will be impressed. Bad thing is it hits you at any time and it is not always just gas. Lose bowls and on and off diaria may slip right out with it, depends on the foods you ate. Honestly there isn't much to do about it. Young kids will be impressed, boys anyways and teenage girls will gross out. I had bad gas in the car on the way to taking some to school! LOL Get a cushion for your car to sit on that can be washed, honestly the smell will linger and ruin your seats. Now tired is normal for alot of us, just keep taking your vitamins. Yucky baby poop is normal and long string bowls will be the norm. Your regularity will vary but you will fall into a routine with your body. Drink your water!! Your fine and Good Luck!
on 5/17/08 4:26 am - winthrop, MA
hi my name is frank i know you were talking about gas but you helped me with my biggest worry, my date is june 10th and i have to be back at work by the 18th it sounds like you could if you had to do you? i have a desk job im a dispatcher at a bus company i yell alot but nobody smells me lol good luck and god bless
(deactivated member)
on 5/18/08 9:06 am - Glendale, CA
Frank, if I had replied to you yesterday I would have said yeah - go back to work man - I have been home for 5 days feeling great, no pain meds, cleared to drive, then last night it hit me like a knife in the chest. I finally gave in and took the lortab. I was having gas pain in my diapraghm like someone shoved a knife in my and was twisting it. No matter what I did, walking - which helped a bit - lying down - drinking or not drinking it would subside then attack me. I had my first sleepless night since I came home. Also, the part that is really hard now is the non stop drinking - and as a result - the nonstop peeing. I used to take one or two bathroom breaks per shift at my desk job - now I am up every 20 minutes. Also, the gas, weird bowel movements, serious dead and rotting dragon breath - well if you can stay home longer, please do. I took two weeks off and now I am wishing I had taken 4. Seriously. I can't even begin to wrap my brain around starting on mashed/pureed foods and having to go into my office. I am seriously going to bring three pairs of underwear with me. I will literally be graduating to mashed foods the monday I go back and I can just imagine the cramps, farts, and possible dumping I might have. Going back to work after any other surgery I could understand but this whole new food thing is giving me pause. I will probably work half days in the office and half days at home to avoid any weird food situations.
on 5/17/08 6:50 am - Holden, MA
Well during RNY they bloat your stomache with CO2 to gain a pretty good amount of room in there... that is your body getting rid of the co2...your lucky it didn't get stuck up against your diaphram or in your shoulder like it did for me... it will get better. Although it doesn't really go away...
on 5/17/08 11:55 am - BEAUFORT, NC
I had it around the diaphram and yes it hurt but natural stomach gas and really stinky gas that isn't CO2 will be with you for a long time. That is related to the new stomach and bowl and how are food now digest. I'm telling you the smell is rotten and when you move your bowls for a long time it is like something has died.
(deactivated member)
on 5/17/08 12:07 pm - Glendale, CA
But I am hoping that all of you will say it was worth it right? I mean really. Actually today I had very little gas because I think it is related to the fact that I forgot to take my multivitamin. Perhaps I need a different multivitamin?
on 5/17/08 12:50 pm - Point, TX
I am pre op and read that the odor can be controlled by a product called DEVROM, Google and you will hopefully find the answer for odor problems. I was excited to find the product. I have an office job and it would be totally unacceptable if I had that problem. It will not help the gas, I have read that the GAS X strips help. Hope this gives you some hope it did me. Sincerely, Nancygp
Dianna C.
on 5/18/08 1:14 am - Parry Sound, Canada
Hi Simone I have to say thank you for the laugh. I know it is not funny, per se, but you have an awesome way of writing. I, too, am experiencing a lot of gas. I have found that the smell varies with what I eat. I am 16 days out RNY WLS. I have not had any problems with diarrhea, although I was on iron pre op and in the hosp post op. When I see my internist, I will be reevaluated for the iron. I am glad to hear that you do not have any pain. I figure the gas is a small price to pay. I am glad to read that there is help for the smell. Take Care Di
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