itching and dehydration
What is the deal with this dehydration thing? I am about 15 months out from my surgery and have had three IV's in the past year for fluid. Apparently, I do not drink enough water.....for the past two weeks my whole body has been itching, itching, everywhere. It is better now that I had an IV. Also, gas is a problem....
I have tried everything..... Hopefully, this resolves SOON. It is horrible.
I try to eat lots of protein. How is Ham in the protein department? I crave ham.
I have also had fast heart beats for a long time (spordaic). I had a Holter monitor twice and everything was fine. Would this be dehydration too???? The dr's don't seem to know. I guess I have to go back up to the U of M to my surgeon and have him check this out even if my family doctor can not find anything wrong. What a journey this has been. I would absoutely do it over, though. I have lost enough weight and am trying not to lose anymore, but I am. I guess I have to hit the ice cream this evening. I don't dump so I am lucky in that department. Anyway, if anyone has any advice...please feel free. I am so glad I found this site. It has answered lots of questions for me. THANKS SO MUCH.

Hi Elliejon,
Ham is good protein but is also full of sodium which you probably don't need. Your erratic heartbeats may be due to low or high potassium levels especially if you are having a problem with dehydration. Drink more water/ flavored water and steer clear of things with caffiene since it is a diuretic.
Best of Luck,