A happy panic
I have been working for this for quite a while - including a battle with the insurance company. Among other demands, they insisted I obtain letters from doctors other than my surgeon. I had heard that the insurance company denies the inital request to "filter" out only the people who are serious. So I did the only sane rational thing a person would do -I buried them with letters from every doctor I had at my disposal. Sorry -I'm just a stubborn iri****alian kind of girl. As most doctors will have residents/interns in with them, I asked them for letters too stating it would be a good learning excersise for them for the future. They were more than happy to comply. This sent with a letter of my own, reflecting my journey and dreams to be there for my husand and baby for many years to come. The insurance company recieved it on 4/28 -and approved it on 4/30. My surgeon's office has scheduled me for just after Memorial Day.
O M G! O M G! O M G! O M G! O M G!
My focus has been on getting approved -with that done - reality and panic is now setting in. I'm like a kid waiting for christmas morning - coupled with O M G! This is really happening -and start getting paniced with what if's, unknowns, and healthy dose fear. Am I crazy? Does / Has anyone else had this paniced euphoria?
on 5/7/08 3:05 pm - NC
on 5/7/08 3:05 pm - NC
It was such a relief to see this posted. I have been working diligently for 4 months going through appointments, educational classes, support groups, etc. Now that I actually have a date for surgery (6 days to go) I am freaking out!!! It's so exhilerating and terrifying all once.
Dear Kj
I had my surgery May 2/08. Talk about panic. The time prior to the surgery will be very chaotic for you if it was anything like mine. I still had doubts the morning after. I feel great. I honestly feel the roughest part is the time just before the surgery. You went to a lot of trouble to get where you are, hang in there. One of the OH members said to me keep the faith, and keep the focus. I found that statement has helped me manage through.
Good Luck, and Safe Journey

Oh I can soooo relate to what you are going through! I'm 7 days from surgery and though I am calmer now, last week I was going nuts with the same thing you are feeling. The panic has passed for the most part and has been replaced with a calm acceptance that yes, this is gonna finally happen. I wish you the best of luck !
Thank you Ladies for your kind responses. It's nice to know that I'm not alone in the insanity! I'm nineteen days out - those of you who are just a few days away must be so excited. Those of you who who have just had the surgery -ROCK ON! We are on the brink of something incredible. Remeber when we were kids and if something didn't go right when you were playing -somebody yells "DO OVER" and the game would reset to where it went off track and you'd start again? Well Ladies...
I'm calling a "DO OVER". Who's with me!
Really glad to know it's not just me. Your surgery is two days before mine and I wish you all the very best for yours. I am sure you will be fine and it will all be worthwhile in the end. Congratulations on getting thus far, and I look forward to seeing how you get on after the big day
Warmest wishes - Dionne