I'm home from surgery!!!!
Well everyone things went pretty good...beside the shoty staff at the hospital I feel pretty darn good...the gas pains have been the worst of it... I feel better than when I had my gallbladder out. I'm only on 1 vicodin every 4 hours for pain... which is great. Make sure you all walk as much as you can/ And try not to sleep inclined. Last night I finally laid flat and this morning I finally got to pass some of the gas. Who would ever think farting would feel so darn good...lol...well I gotta go make some calls, but everyone who hasn't had surgery yet...it really isn't as bad as you would think...
Congratulations on a successful surgery. Now this first month can be a *****allenging, but it will get much better after that. I agree, walk as much as you can. I walked 5-6 miles around the hospital floor for the two days I was in the hosptal. I actually felt my very best when I was up and walking around. Mind you, I had done a LOT of walking prior to my surgery. I also agree that it is not as bad having the surgery as we let our minds allow us to believe.
Welcome home Lauren!!!!!!
I'm go glad to see you doing so well!! A friend of mine that just had surgery on 4/28 said the same thing about the gas. She said that was the most horrible thing about the surgery. Hopefully it will pass soon and you can move on with healing.
Take care and lots of love,