Pre-surgery Jitters
LOL My surgery date is only 12 days away and I find myself with pre-surgery jitters. I'm not worried about the surgery itself, I feel that will go fine it's the hospital stay ( I hate hospitals) and the post surgery lifestyle changes that will ensue. I find myself worrying about being normal sized, I can't even say the word thin in relation to myself LOL. I have never been normal sized....ever... and I find the thought , well a bit intimidating. I was wondering if anyone elsefeels or felt that way prior to surgery or am I just going kinda nuts for no good reason?
I know what you mean Sheila. My surgery is on 5/13 and its funny because I am anxious for the same reasons. What will I look like thin? Will I like the new me? I hear from my friends that have had wls that not everyone accepts the new you or the fact that youve chose to have wls. Some see it as the easy way out but it has been anything but easy making this decision. Good Luck and just have, we ill be just fine

My surgery is on the 12th...and I try and remind myself that it has been a journey of many emotions and thoughts getting to this point and it sounds like you are anticipating what the journey ahead will be like. We read the board messages, we talk to others, we listen to our surgeon and team supporters, and then we have time to sit with ourselves and all the questions and thoughts come flooding in. WE do not know what it will be like FOR US/ME! That's the tricky part. It certainly is normal to have all the feelings and to be all over the spectrum--this is a life changing event for us and no one more than we know that and yet we haven't experienced the full impact do we do in the meantime................i try and keep busy............and I focus on the reasons I made the decision to go through the surgery and I try and picture my life a year from I remind myself that when I wake up from the surgery the recover has already begun and I am already getting thinner and healthier.........................blessings
I'm not sure if I"m nervous about the post op things or the surgery my main fear is not waking up. I know I'm in good hands with my surgeon and I have full confidence in him. I told my mom the other day on the phone that this surgery is something I've wanted for so long. I've always felt looking in the mirror that what I see isn't the person I feel like. I don't know if that sounds completely absurd, but I've always felt like the mirror doesn't show the person that's inside me. I'm hoping with this surgery I can finally bring that person out and that in itself makes me so excited that I can't sit still. I'm not sure if you feel that way, but what your feeling is completely normal. Along with everything in life change happens, but what happens? We soon accept it and go with the flow.. .. you'll find your own grove and you'll be so thankful that you went through with this process. Think to the future and that will help stamp out any and all bad thoughts.
Lots of love and hang in there we're all here for you!!
I know what you mean too. I keep going through, literally spending hours, going through all the before and afters- trying SO hard to picture myself 'thin'. Like you, I cannot even wrap my head around the concept. I have been big since I can remember. To even think about myself being okay in a bathing suit, looking good in a lil black dress; tends to intimidate me... like I am setting my expectations too high or something, to think that IIIIII could actually look like them one day! Surreal to say the least.
320/XXX (06/08)/277/170
My surgery is 62 hours away. I find I am being obessive about it., almost all my thoughts are directed there. My life will change but then again must. I am setting small goals first go from severly obese to morbidly obese to overweight. AT that point I will set new goals. Its been almost 2 decades since I was a size 12-14 but though I am hopeful to get there again, right now, for my sanity, I need to go one day at a time during this "honeymoon" period, and make the most of ieach one.
I do believe that being obese we have learned to hide ourselves and WHEN we become "normal-sized" we have to deal with the possibility that people will notice us and notice for reasons other than the fact we are big. It is a whole new mindset but how wonderful, to be given a chance to be seen for who we are and looked at for what we do without the predjudice of weight involved. Let us all raise our protein drinks in a toast to the future!
You don't drown by falling in the water, You drown by staying there