surgery May 6th need to know?
I packed a pair of comfortable clothes to wear home, clean underwear and socks. I just wore the gown provided by the hospital during my stay. Also, don't forget toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush and deodorant. I waited to shower after I got home. I just had one night stay at the hospital. I hope this helps. Plus, I wouldn't worry about magazines, puzzles, etc, you will be sleeping most of the time. Good luck!!!
Hi Jane,
My answer would be the same at the previous poster. I would add. Some type of flavored Lip Moisturizer. That saved my lips. Because after surgery I wasn't allowed anything by mouth. Nothing zero, zip. My lips got sooo dry. I was greatful that I had done research on the Pre-Op and Post Op.
I have my bag packed and I bought myself a new pair of running shoes (just to start out on the right foot ya know? lol) I'm bringing a Kenny Chesney teeshirt I bought at his concert last weekend some yoga -ish pants, socks and lots of underwear i"m paranoid about that lol and I've got all of my normal hygiene products. I also threw in some female stuff (tampons) because reading on the RNY forum a lot of ppl got their cycle and since I haven't had one since Jan 3 who knows it may show up. Our hospital provides gowns and pajama pants that are freaking awesome! So I'm not bringing any sleep wear. I also packed my house slippers and burts bee's wax lip cream and lotion where I"m diabetic my hands stay dry. Also a hair brush and the day of surgery my husband is going to keep my wedding ring around his neck w/ his dog tags. OOH OOH and I took off all the finger nail polish on my toes.
Do you have to bath with a betadine scrub the morning of surgery?? I have to do that and pee in a cup for a pregnancy test.