Vertical Sleeve Surgery! Got my date May 23rd
I saw the surgeon and he made another appt to see me back in a month - He didn't think the insurance company would approve the sleeve and he wanted me to check in with others to get some info back. Then wham I get a call and they schedule the surgery and everything is majorly rolling. I've got appts pre op junk in the next week and then I'm ready to go...I think, gulp! I'm ready and reading everyone's great success has been really inspirational. Hearing folks question this and seem both excited and nervous seems right in line with what I think everyone goes through. I hope I do as well as the great weight loses I've been reading about! You guys are awesome!
Hey girl I"m having a RNY done, but I wanted to wish you a big Good Luck and Congratulations on getting your ball finally rolling towards the end of THIS journey and onto a new and exciting one. I'm not sure about your surgery since the RNY is all I've researched but I wish you the best of luck and like I told the other girls.. It feels like Christmas in MAY!!!

Good luck to you and hope to hear back from you and how you are doing! The procedures aren't terribly different, in the end result we are headed the same direction. You are going to have a little different plumbing and I'm going to have smaller plumbing
Good luck to you we are both going to do great and be posting bikini pictures soon!
It does feel like Christmas in May! Take care!