knee Injury Prior to surgery
After a fabulous "last supper" where I proudly did not go overboard, I was walking along when I cought a pothole and went SPLAT on the pavement. I really screwed up my knee. I have to have X-rays and a MRI Tue. and use a walker. I Also can't work before the surgery, my job loves that! I am terrifed to call my surgeon Will he cancel my 5/7 surgery? Oh Lord I hope not. Now I am in pain and worried. Advice Anyone?
My surgery is 5/6 and I've done the same thing! My knee is really hurting and I refuse to go to the ortho ----- I'm just trying to suck it up and get through without complaining. I"m not sure I'll make it - today the knee is really bad. I keep alternating ice and heat hoping to confuse my brain and not feel the pain. It's not really working that well!
Good Luck!!!
I broke my foot before my surgery and the date was pushed back 3 weeks. It was on pushed back because I was not allowed to put any weight on my foot. As long as you are allowed to bear weight you should be fine. I am sure that it will be a little more tuff on you. You will have to be up and walking the day of surgery. I was required to walk so many laps before leaving the hospital.
Good Luck
Oh NO!!! It sounds to me like you may have torn your meniscus. I was jogging last year (attempting to exercise) and over did it and went down on the pavement pretty hard. I wound up having surgery last year to scope out the scar tissue and repair the meniscus in my knee. It wasn't a bad surgery and I was forced to heal quicker than I was supposed too. I was up walking around on it a few days post op and I was limping for about 3 weeks after the surgery. It hurts and I won't lie, but my knee now feels 100 times more better than it did. If your MRI confirms the tore cartilage don't freak out because to date i"ve had both of my knee's scoped and their perfect now.