60 Minutes on Gastric Bypass...
If you didn't see it heres the link...its only like 13 minutes long, but it made me feel better about being 10 days away...lol...
Yes that was an awesome segment. When I first heard that that was one of the stories I was almost afraid to watch thinking that it would be negative. I made my
husband watch too and it was incredible. I am having this mostly because of my diabetes and my doctors have told me that it will go away but to see verification on national tv makes me even more positive that this is the right thing to do. I want to go home after surgery and throw all that diabetes stuff away. 15 years is enough!!
I was meant to watch it b/c I "accidentally" recorded it and when I went to delete it I checked out the "info" on what it was about and noticed the GB section...I too was very afraid to watch it that it would be a negative story. IT WAS GREAT!!!! The statement that you could more likely die from gall bladder surgery was astonishing!