I'm really struggling Penny, I want to eat my comfort foods so bad. I try very hard not to think about it, but I getting a little depressed and alot cranky, I really think I'm going through Carb withdrawal if there is such a thing. I'm feeling a little cheated. Boo Hooy ya know?
7 more days to go. I am hoping that going through this now, will make it easier on me after surgery. Thanks and lets keep in touch. "Keep the focus!"

Hang in there Vicki. I do think this is good preparation for after surgery only I don't think you will experience the hunger you do know. Mental hunger is another issue. I keep thinking about the "Re-learning to ..." ads on tv for quitting smoking. If you can relearn to drive without smoking you can do anything. I think for us that if we can relearn to do other things to comfort us, we can do anything. Hope this helps. I am on day 7 with 6 more to go before surgery.

My sympathies are with you. Today is day 8 of the liquid diet for me. I was told that I could have 1 cup of coffee with a little bit of milk and sweetner. I was also told I could have diet jello as long as I did not over do it. I am drinking lots of diet pop as well. The first three days I though I would lose it. I think it is getting a little bit better. I was actually able to cook supper for my husband. Right now I am at the point of bargaining re: Well, I could die on the table, so why don't I just start eating anyway and not worry about it. I spoke with my Surgeon's secretary and she said "Think of it this way, you are almost done, so why wreck a good thing?" I told her she sounded like the voice of reason and I like my idea better. lol!!. Are you using the optifast? That is what I am on. Good luck and hang in there. Hope your surgery goes well. The closer the surgery date gets the more I want to change my mind.

Hi Dianna, I am not on optifast, but I do know what that is. I'm on a product called Edge Advantage it is 20 grams of protein and 20 grams of carbs per serving and I drink it with 8ozs of skim milk 3 times a day. I can have sugar free jello and popsicles and herbal tea. NO caffeine products lots of broth and 8oz of 100% juice once a day. NO soda but alot of water. A few other things but that is the most of it for me.
Oh and I wanted to tell you... I feel the same way about wanting to change my mind. This weekend I thought about it alot and contemplated changing my mind, but I just can't not after everything I have been through to get this far. I know I'm just scared. Good luck and Keep in touch
i started mine on Apr 21 so im on day 6 of the liquid diet. it has really been tough but I agree the worst thing is people bring food into work or the smell of food. Since day 3 i havent really been starving like day 1 and 2. Everybody stay strong the reward is much bigger than these couple of weeks.
I am starting mine on May 8th. I am not looking forward to it at all. Here is the speech I am already giving myself, "If you had EVER told yourself NO about one Damn thing you wanted to eat, you would not be here right now. Two weeks worth of telling myself NO is the penance for all the times I should have!" So far, that thought process has really helped me start giving myself tiny portions. I am hoping that cutting back now will help make the liquid thing a bit less tragic. I am pulling for all of you. Just remember that liquids have a beginning and an end. Kind of like labor...at least when it's over you will have something beautiful to show for it...YOU!!!!

Dear Vicki
Thank you so much for the words of encouragement. Today is day 11. It is Monday and I have surgery this Friday. Reading your reply made me feel so much better. I also read your other replies and it looks like a lot of us will be going for surgery soon.
With the great support from all of us, I am sure we will do well. And I really like the "keep the focus", I am going to try.
I am having problems with the "hand to mouth" problem as well. I liked food for comfort, stress, happiness etc, etc,. Walking has sometimes helped. It is getting easier and you are right you are not as hungry as when we first started. I am trying to find a way of coping without the food. I quit smoking a little over two years ago and haven't started up because of the surgery but I am really afraid I might start after the surgery to replace my food addiction.
My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Good luck and God bless.