Finish these sentences...
My my husband.
Maybe I should...look for a new job.
People would say that i'm...funny.
I don't understand...prejudice.
When i wake up in the morning...I have to pee.
I lost...91 lbs.
Life is full of...challenges.
My past is...a Lifetime movie.
I get annoyed...when people don't listen.
I wish... I could have a baby.
Dogs are...smelly.
Cats kids.
Tomorrow is...Monday for me.
I have low tolerance for...incompetency.
If I had a million dollars...I'd quit my job!!
I'm totally terrified...of birds.
I miss...having family.
Yesterday day off.
My friends...are the best friends on the planet.
My my husband.
Maybe I should...exercise more!!!
I life!
People would say that i'm...crazy!
I don't, most of the time!
When i wake up in the morning...I just want to crawl back under the covers/
I lost...92 pounds
Life is full of...surprises.
My past a soap opera.
I get annoyed...with lazy people.
Parties are...okay.
I wish... I could get new boobies! LOL
Dogs are...loving!
Cats are...cute.
Tomorrow is...hump day.
I have low tolerance for...stupid people.
If I had a million dollars...I'd quit my job!!
I'm totally terrified...of fire.
I Aunt Patty, she died last year from breast cancer.
Yesterday was...definitely monday.
My friends...are always there for me.
Finish these sentences...
My still one of my best friends.
Maybe I should...get my house cleaned.
I daughter.
People would say that i'm...a cool mom.
I don't understand...lazy people.
When i wake up in the morning...I wonder what my scale will say.
I lost...120.2 lbs.
Life is full and downs
My past is...a part of me.
I get annoyed...when my husband doesn't help me when I need it.
Parties business.
I wish... my daughter would listen to me .
Dogs are...loud and messy.
Cats are...interesting little creatures.
Tomorrow is...just another Thursday.
I have low tolerance for...ignorance.
If I had a million dollars...I'd build a new house.
I'm totally terrified...of gaining all my weight back.
I cousin Vinnie who was killed by a drunk driver 20 years ago next month.
Yesterday was...crazy with a house full of kids after school.
My friends...aren't friends --- they're brothers and sisters by other parents.
* Cyndi *
My ex...should see me now!
Maybe I should...start lunch
I new body
People would say that I'm...sweet
I don't brain
When i wake up in the morning...I plan my day
I lost...100lbs
Life is full of...lemons.
My past is...there.
I get annoyed...with myself
Parties are...delightful
I wish... I could turn back time
Dogs are...cute and lots of fun
Cats allergy-fest
Tomorrow first day off in a long time
I have low tolerance for...liars
If I had a million dollars...I'd move abroad
I'm totally terrified...of being a year out already
I miss...dumping
My friends family
Finish these sentences...
My something i don't plan on having.
Maybe I should...stop and smell the roses.
I position in life.
People would say that i'm...very out spoken.
I don't understand...the healthcare system today.
When i wake up in the morning...I pray for the day to be good.
I lost...95 pounds.
Life is full of...mistakes, and retakes.
My past is...something to learn from.
I get annoyed...when I have to ask for help.
Parties are...a reason to wear make-up.
I husband could understand me.
Dogs are...loyal.
Cats are...a big part of my life.
Tomorrow is...another day closer to Spring.
I have low tolerance for...lazy people.
If I had a million dollars...I would buy my hubby a new truck, and have plastics done.
I'm totally terrified...of failing.
I miss...sleeping in on weekends.
Yesterday was...full of way to many carbs.
My friends...keep me grounded.