Ok I would be packed already but.....
Ok, we are going away just for he weekend. Not a hard task though slightly more difficult as I have to take protien drinks and all my vitamins and now my new scripts and my snacks and so forth. BUT the biggie for me. We are seeing some of my family and I do not know what to wear LOL! This is a side of the family that I just wanted to wait until goal to see. I mean they have seen my profile and follow the progress but it is different. These are the ones that have known me all my life (Dad's side of the family) and there is so much emotions (not to mention stress eating triggers going with this). I know that i am doing great, that they will see the difference all those things but I am spinnning my wheels getting ready cause I am a mess inside. And it was me that decided to lengthen the trip and ask them to come meet us in the first place. I want to see them, want the kids to see them, but oh I am a mess!!!!
So I decided it was a good topic. Is there anyone/or group that you are putting off seeing for now or am I the only messed up one.
Ok, that said I am off to see about packing. One less thing I am packing....since I have been in such a stall my scale is staying home! Maybe it will behave itself when I get back LOL!
Nah, I didn't want to see my mom's thin/perfect side until I was at goal. Well, my grandmother's sister ended up passing away so being the good girl, I went to her funeral. Now I was down almost 100 lbs by then but most of them hadn't seen me in about 6 years. Unfortunately, my mom's youngest sister told them I had surgery. Why? I have no clue. I avoid them like the plague. But, it was cool being one of the smallest in the room. LOL
My sister-in-law though seems VERY jealous of the new "me". We were practically sisters in flabland before. When I saw them in November I was probably around 160 lbs or so. Meaning, down about 105 lbs. The woman barely spoke to me. Oh well. No big loss.
You've done a fantastic job and should be VERY proud of yourself! Meet them ya chicken. They'll be amazed and you know you want all those compliments.
Have a great trip!
* Cyndi *

Donna - you said "We are seeing some of my family and I do not know what to wear" I have that everyday, if I have a dr.s appt with a physician I haven't seen in a while, a client, a friend.
i am leaving next Wednesday to go to Israel and while the friends I'm staying with have seen me, and a few know I've had the surgery, there are some that don't know that I've had the surgery - that should be exciting! (I'm also hoping to see a new RNY'er there - she is having her surgery 3 days before I leave!)
So I'm excited and nervous (planning my food and exercise!) and can't wait to see my firends!
Cyndi S, enjoy your trip! I think even tougher was planning my food taking my protein ect but I just took an icechest and it was fine.
Trip went well was a quick one anyway. Family was quite impressed and have bene sending out emails sharing pics of me. Best part was I am now less tha a feirnd of mine. manged to do that years ago when we lived in the same city as Nannies but for the most part all hte years I have known her she was always smaller than me. I told her I would save her my clohtes when they got to big......she did not seem happy with that LOL!
How fun it will be to see our friends.