8 Month Surgiversary Update
Hi gang. I can't believe 8 months ago this morning I was getting the kid ready for school and myself packed for the hospital. As my goofy body normally does, I hit a milestone today. I've had an incredibly stressful 24 hours so it came as no surprise the scale moved. What did I see this morning? 150.0. Yup, I exactly hit my surgeon's goal. If so much b.s. wasn't going on I'd probably be dancing around the house. But, honestly, it doesn't matter much to me. Things will clear up this afternoon but it's been pretty bad for me. I had about 4 mini Milky Ways last night, 2 fudgesicles and a bunch of Club crackers. That old stress-eater demon came back to me last night. I'll be okay a little later but for now the stress continues.
So, just wanted you guys to know I hit goal. I'll be back on later tonight or tomorrow. Right now I'm waiting for my dad to come so we can straighten out a situation. I love my dad. He's the kindest guy I know. I can't really remember him ever raising his voice. In his younger years he looked like Elvis.
Though his thick hair is now white, I blame Britt, he's still a handsome guy. He's cheered me through this whole surgery thing so I can't wait until he gets here to show him the camera. It took just 3 tries this time but I finally got the picture. I'm doing better. Last time it took 8 tries.
So, I'll be back later my old chipper, goofy self. But, I wanted my May family to know my news.
* Cyndi *

Thanks everyone. Things are going much better. I'm still not *excited* like I should be. I'm sure it'll happen. lol Mark bought me a new laptop. I'm not even excited over that. He's opening his new laptop now. I guess it's kind of like planning your wedding. You're so up and on edge for so long then the wedding is over, the reception is over and.................now what. LOL So, we'll see what my body does now that it hit my surgeon's goal. I sent him an email with the picture of the scale. I got on him yesterday about his "ancient" scale putting me at 155. So, I sent him the picture to prove how bad his scale is. Can't wait for his reply. LOL
Hope you're all having a WONDERFUL day!
* Cyndi *
265/150/150.........I've arrived. lol
Hi Cyndi.....You make me sick!!
No, really...CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!
Isn't that always how it goes? I am so glad that you are there.....and I am sure like we talked last night that you will still drop some more.
I didnt eat my chocolate last night...Yeah for me!!!!!
Hang in there and things will start looking up...and we will all do the dancing for you right now!!!!!

Holly you crack me up!!! Good girl for not touching the chocolate. Step away from the chocolate. After I downed those 4 mini bars (space of about 2 hours) I felt soooooooooooooo guilty. But, I threw them away this morning because I REFUSE to fall back into those horrible habits. I'm just hoping I don't gain tomorrow. That will really tick me off. I was truly shocked when I saw the number. I ran to grab my camera and was sure the number would be 152.2 again. lol I'd like to see 14* on my scale but if I don't drop anything else (and don't gain either!), I'll be an eternally happy and grateful girl.
Come on Sue!!!! Join me at goal!!!!!
Love to you all! I could never be here without you all.
* Cyndi *