on 1/23/08 10:25 am
I guess I'm feeling a little left out or have I done something to offend someone. I was posting real often and trying to encourage when it was needed. I don't seem to get much response to my posts and that is part of the reason I post so seldom now. Am I alone in this? I posted Sunday on the weigh in that I had been in a stall since the end of November. I know what my problem is, but I still need encouragement. HELLO! Sue
Donna W.
on 1/23/08 1:16 pm - Spring, TX
Sorry Sue I do miss posts or especially replies unless I started that thread and get an email. Start a new thread if it is something you really want us to see maybe? So sorry if you feel left out. I think we are all just getting busy with our new lives. But I hope we all keep posting and supporting each other. Sorry I did not respond to posts on Sunday weigh in cause I have been trying to get this deadline for the school's yearbook done. As for the stall since November.....what about your protien intake. How many calories.....you might need to adjust that by talking to our Nut now that ou are so close to goal? Donna
on 1/23/08 8:02 pm - Pennsville, NJ
Hi Sue. I'm disgusted with my stall too. Actually, I'm pissed off about it. I see my surgeon this morning so maybe I'll have some tips to pass along. I'm pretty sad that the forum is quiet too. But, honestly, I'm so ANGRY about the B.S. on the RNY that I'm not a big fan of OH right now. Real life has been kinda sucky for me so I'm turning to my old pal....food. I know. Bad girl. I guess I should be lucky the scale is staying at 152.2 and not heading upwards. Thankfully I'm choosing healthy stuff to graze on but still not good. I guess I'm just in a funk. I hate my scale. I hate the little biotches my daughter goes to school with. I hate my husband most of the time. I hate being Cinderfingrella around here. I swear the smaller I get the more disgusted I get. Let's whine and ***** together Sue! PM me. That's the best way for me to find things. And, you could never offend. Well, only maybe if you get way below your goal. * Cyndi *
on 1/23/08 9:23 pm
Cyndi and Donna, Thank you so much for your replies, you both made me feel so much better. Cyndi you make me laugh, but I know it's not a laughing matter for you. I think we both are feeling some what let down by ourselves and then we want to take it out on others. So, sorry everyone. It's just that you all have become an important part of my life. Hugs, Sue
on 1/23/08 9:32 pm - Pennsville, NJ
You know your stall has gotten to you when you're THRILLED you finally dumped. LOL I lost over 2 pounds that night. It's sad but it at least got me to my current 152.2 pound stall. lol Honestly, I'm doing really good. It's everyone around me who is insane. Girls are being WICKED to my daughter. My husband is just so freaking LAZY. I can't run a house, his business, my business then all the running for my daughter. But, then, I've done it since the day I got home from the RNY. Why should I be surprised. I found the food journal my surgeon gave me pre-op. I know lots of others use fitday.com and spark and all that. I'm too lazy to keep all that info in my head to enter later. So, I might just start using this to visually see what I'm doing wrong. I'm getting plenty of liquids in and my vitamins are perfect. I have been able to eat a little more. The folks at Cracker Barrel were so proud I ate all three teeny tiny kiddie grilled chicken tenders. LOL Sue, I think we're just SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO close to goal that our bodies just don't want to cooperate. Yup, it's incredibly frustrating. But, then, I look at my "before" picture and ask myself what the heck I'm complaining about. LOL Hang in there. Our magical day is coming!!!!! * Cyndi *
on 1/23/08 9:53 pm
You are so right on Cyndi. It has been so cold here in Wyoming, so no walking. I know I will loose it when I move it. 21 degrees below zero as we speak. Come on, warm up already. I know I look good, but a goal ia a goal, is a goal. Right! Hugs, Sue
Donna W.
on 1/24/08 1:56 am - Spring, TX
BRRRR now that is cold and I was complaning aobut our 40's right now LOL!
(deactivated member)
on 1/23/08 11:43 pm - Basom, NY
Cyndi, I know what you mean about being disgusted with OH. I have only really been reading our May board lately. Take care, Betsy
Donna W.
on 1/24/08 1:55 am - Spring, TX
Cyndi, {{{{{Hugs}}}}} I know tht has to be tough....doing as much as you have. And I am actually feeling some of that now with dh. I am not suppose to do any housework around here but the dishes from last night (and now this am as well) are sitting there. We are going out of town tomorrwo and my mom will be here and there is laundry and the bathrooms are disgusting and I have asked and asked dh ERRRRRRRR. I am tempted to very slowly do the dishes....but then that will be the turning point and he will do nto more dishes. I just know that when he get shoem nothing will get done.................oh it is so frustrating. I know he is working during the day but hello under normal cir****tances I would be and woudl spend my off days doing all around here. Did he clean anything this weekend while off..............um no. Started the laundry but that that and I finished it monday. ERRRRRRR. Add that to the frustration that I am not losing and the hormone shift, and well it makes for a CRABBY person. LOL! Ok, enough whining! Donna
Holly Knight
on 1/23/08 10:17 pm - New Waverly, IN
Sue... Hang in there...You have not come this far not to make it to goal. You have lost a lot in a short amount of time. I know that does not help you get to goal, but YOU WILL get there. I started Dec. at 177...started Jan at 177...and today am at 174.5!!! Not the best for almost two months, but I TRY to look where I am have come from...and TRUST me it is hard for me too. I feel like I should have already lost 100 pounds like a lot of you have. And I still have 12 pounds to get to that goal. The first small goal is 169 by Feb. 8th....I hope I make it, that will put me at "overweight". And I guess if I dont get it by then, I will one of these days. I need to practice what I preach and sit back and relax, and enjoy the ride.....but I have no patience....I want to hit goal....I want to be a winner(by being a loser!!). Winter is so hard.....I would much rather be walking outside....the warm weather brings out the best in all of us!!!! I need all the encouragement I can get right along with you. I have been sending personal messages to the few I feel want to listen to me.....I am just so afraid that people are sick of me rambling!!!! So....with that I am off to do laundry. PM me or lets set a time and we can talk on the phone. I am far from perfect at post op life, and can always use a swift kick in the a**, but then a warm hug afterward!!!! Love, Holly PS. I dont always post on Sunday because I feel like I dont do as well as a lot of people!!!!!
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