My baby brother said I'm beautiful!
I haven't seen my brother since early May 2006. He works horrendous hours so it does bother us that we can't see each other much. We took my grandfather up there for dinner tonight. For the first time in almost a year, me, my family, my poppop, my parents and my brother and his family were together. Steve found out I had surgery when he called on my birthday, which happened to be the day after I got home from the hospital. He never told me he was concerned but he did confide in my mom. So, it was kind of fun to see them tonight. Now, we're not a huggy/kissy bunch. I walked in after Britt and he said "WOW". My brother is a big guy but very soft-spoken and a man of few words. We went into the living room to catch up and, for the first time since we were toddlers, he hugged me and told me I looked beautiful. I wanted to cry. I have no clue how many times tonight he hugged me, told me he was proud and told me I was beautiful. He promised we'd get together more often. He's trying to get his hours cut back a bit. We bought our house in March 2002 and he hasn't been here yet. He's dying to see the changes we've made to the house. Thankfully, it's his old bedroom (my office) that I'm remodeling this winter. LOL I hope he likes it. I promised him the walls wouldn't be pink. LOL
My scale finally moved this morning and I'm about 3.5 lbs from surgeon's goal. I'm thrilled about that. But, hearing my brother compliment me and tell me he's so proud of me proved to me that having my RNY was the most brilliant thing I've ever done. I can't wait to hit goal because my baby brother is going to be the first one I'll tell!
* Cyndi *

Thanks Betsy. I hate that I don't get to see my brother too much. His reaction was priceless. He'd ask mom over the phone how I was doing. She'd just keep saying "you wouldn't believe it if I told you". My husband is FINALLY starting to come around. He's not being as difficult about my eating. He knows I'm stubborn and I'll never get back to those old sizes. And, the most priceless? I joked to my mom and asked what size her jeans were. My always tiny mom and I wear the same size!!! That was when I realized I must be a LOT smaller than I think. LOL
* Cyndi *
You are beautiful inside and out!!!!!
I live in Indiana and my big brother is in North Carolina....he has alwasy been stick thin, and I always felt like he looked down on me for being heavy....I have not seen him since July.....I cannot wait to see him again to see if I make him proud....I have always looked up to him, just wish he realized that!!!!
Steve and I both got the "fat gene" from Dad's side. Steve lost 119 lbs in just 4 months on a wacky diet and Nordic track regimine. lol Now he's chubby and happy. He's a trip. He offered me a beer and when I told him the no alcohol thing, his eyes got huge. He goes "Well, guess no surgery for me then!". lol Your brother will be soooooooooooo proud of you! Look at you!!! I still don't *see* then changes though, crap, if I can put on size 6 pants from a starting size of 26, something MUST be changing. lol Guess we've all lived with funhouse type mirrors so long we don't see what everyone else sees now. Oh the fun of WLS!
* Cyndi *

ok, maybe it is these wacky hormones shifts (the ones that make me not able to sleep anymore LOL or that made me want to go around ripping heads off all the kids stuffed animals tonight) but it is late and I decided to check for posts just one time before going to bed and awwwwww your post has me crying....happy tears but crying. ok I really need to go take those estrogen samples I got today. But still you see I have a little brother (2 years younger). I was not going to tell him about the surgery - my mom did. I do not see him much but I guess she told him how much bigger I had gotten - he got the skinny gene.....use to use weigh gain powder with no luck. Long story short he lives in WA and so form here in TX I do not see him much.....but he called me early december and told me how proud he was of me. How he was following my profile- how beautiful I had become and that meant more to me than anything. But then actaully seeing in person I think means the world of differnce. I am hoping my mom and I can go out and see him soon but I know he is coming to see my dad in July and i need to make sure that even if just at the airport I get to see him.
You are beautiful- an have come so far- and with such little support at that beginning. You deserve to stand up and be very proud! Wow so close to your surgeons goal....that seems like ages away to me!
Tonight it dawned on me I am not sure why (dang hormone shift LOL) that the entire hospital stay I was in the regular size gowns not the big ones that they have to send to housekeeping for and there was room in it!!!! and I borrowed a robe from my mom.....realized today it was a large....not even an extra large. So hard to comprehend.
and now to confess.....I did weigh sunday (ok not for the weigh in but I could nto make it without weighing. The fluids and stuff had me so bloated. I got back from he 218 to 230! Ack I wanted to scream! I mean not htat long ago I woudl have been content with that number but once I got lighter there is no way I was going back. But now a week post op I have gotten below the 218 and was 216 today! whoo hoo! Not able to excercise andstill losing....have I mentioned I love my RNY!
Sorry this is about you....not for me to take off in a rant! can you tell I am going stir crazy already. How am I going to make it 6 weeks!
I am very happy for you btw!!!!!!! And same size as your mom.....very cool! My mom will refuse to except that and so I will have to always let her think she is smaller even when I finally catch up! LOL! And if I pass her up she may start sabotaging my scale so I do not realize it LOL!
Woohoo for you!!! You're doing great. You should have known all the IVs would add weight to you. Silly Donna! I don't see that I'm mom's size. My mom has always been tiny. During the Cowboys 1970s glory years my dear mom wore a size medium BOYS #12 Staubach jersey. Me? An XL. How humiliating. Okay, so it took about 33 years to play catch up but I'm finally the same size as my mom. Now when Britt spends weekends they go to the mall and "just happen" to find something for......ME! hahaha Guess mom feels bad helping me take all these bags to Goodwill and stuff. LOL
My brother is about 21 months younger than me. He's terrific. He apologized over and over that he doesn't see us much. When you work 6-7 days a week and live about 30 miles away, of course it's not easy to get together. But, to hear that he was PROUD of me and that he thought I looked BEAUTIFUL kinda shocked me. And, it's the most special compliment I've gotten over the past almost 8 months. He told me he wants a picture of me the day I hit goal. Which, could be VERY soon. Yippee! But, he also said he doesn't want me to go too small and be unhealthy. Me? Too small???? HAHAHAHAHA Never happen.
I remember my knee surgeries and being flat on my back with the leg in the CPM machine for 6 weeks. I could be off that machine long enough to eat, pee, or shower. The rest of the time, including sleep time, that machine had to be going. I thought I was going to lose it. But, you'll be fine. The six weeks will fly and you'll be back to your old self.
* Cyndi *
Oh I know I will survive and as I start to feel better small little projects (like the junk drawer) and things will be getting done so that is good. i just have to remind myself NO LIFTING as I don't want to undo the benefits of the added bladder surgery!
My mom called to say she had been up throwing up all night. She spent the evening here with me. I hope since she did not start until she got home I do not get it.....boy do I not need that!
Still I am very happy for you and a bit jealous that you had less to lose than me so you are close to goal. But that is ok, I will get there and should be pretty close to goal by a year out. Considering I had more than half of myself to lose.......not bat at all! for my plastics appt. LOL!