I just popped in to say hello...and Kudos to all my fellow Mayers!
Tina, if there's one thing I've learned it is that there is no "typical" journey here. Remember the tortoise and the hare - steady determination gets you there just as well or better than the fast course. Before you had surgery what did everyone tell you about losing weight fast? The most common advice I heard was a lb a week on average is considered "safe". Other than surgery, what changes that notion? Nothing really. The fact that people lose faster after surgery more reflects the drastic change than any particular measure of safety. So if you lose slower you have one advantage that others do not - time. Your body has more time to adjust to the changes. Your brain has more time to get used to the changes. Your friends and family have more time to get used to the changes. Believe it or not, the rapidity of change can be traumatic physically, mentally and on relationships, and some of the stories posted reflect that unfortunate fact. It may be a different path than you'd hoped for or expected but it's your path so focus on the advantages and embrace it.
Please don't hold back from posting because you feel like you don't have good news or because you are struggling. Let us know about it so we can give you some support! You are among friends and loved ones here.
-- T.Rob
Hi Rob,
Thank you so much for your kind words. You are right, everyone loses at different paces. I guess I just thought that it would be faster
. However, I have lost 60 pounds... and to me that is huge. Before the surgery I was unable to lose anything, so tI guess that is a big accomplishment. I know I feel alot better. In many ways not just about the way I look. I almost cannot believe that I have lost anything at all with the way I struggled to lose weight before the surgery. I am so happy that you have inspired me with your words
. I have read many of your postings on here, and you are definately an inspiration. I will start posting again, afterall I miss all of you. Keep up the good work, and keep smiling
I will speak to you soon. Hugs Tina
Tina there is no right or wrong to this!!!! We all started out differnt, have differnt bodies and will do differntly. BUT we are all in this together. And we are here to support you!!!!! After all that is what bottom line will help all us us succeed. The support and closeness we have here!!!! I feel like that at times while reading here but then it just motivates me to go go go!!!! so if you hvae concerns plase share!!!!!
Hello Donna,
You are right as well as Rob. I know there is no right or wrong to this process, but I can not help but get nervous with all the focus that my Dr. put on time frame. Before the surgery, I was told that you will lose most of the weight the first six months, and I am 2 weeks away from 5 months and Im not even half way there. I guess patience really is a virtue. lol Thanks for your kind words and keep up the good work, you look marvelous. Hugs Tina
Ok Tina, it's time for you to join the Sunday Weigh-In. We all do only protein and for those of us who are struggling, we drink two protein drinks a day and for dinner we have chicken or turkey, tuna, cheese and a cooked vegetable. For snacks you can have SF Popcycles or Fudgecycles and make sure you get in your 64 ounces of water or Crystal Lite.
So we want to see you next this coming Sunday on the Sunday Weigh-In Board. Don't worry if you have gained.....you can always start over.
We are all here to help you. I sure couldn't do it alone.
Hi Esther,
I will join the Sunday weigh in. You are right, I think I really need to just start over. I am going to make a new start TODAY! I am going to make a protein shake as soon as I am done responding to all the posts
. Thank you for making me feel like I am not alone in all this hun. I really appreciate your kind and helpful words. Kepp up the great work, you look great. Hugs Tina
Thank you Sue, for saying that I look relatively light. lol, but I had 140 lbs to lose when I had the surgery. I am down 60 pounds now and I feel great, but I just get discouraged when the scale doesnt move for weeks at a time. I am starting over today though, and I will keep everyone posted on my results. Kepp up the great work. Hugs Tina
Tina this isn't a contest! We all lose at different rates. I am not losing it as fast as everyone else either, but I was warned about it. I didn't have as much to lose as most from the start, but I don't let it bother me. I am only looking at how I feel and look. I have so much more energy and I am loving life right now. You be proud of what you have done!!! You had the courage to have the surgery and change your life for the better!!